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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Reality Winner was rotting in jail for taking 1 document. Trump took hundreds. Why didn't he give them back?
  2. Where did you get the quote that Biden would require the new vaccine?
  3. No need for Biden to focus on Trump's trials when Trump will do so himself.
  4. Here's a hint: if you don't want to go to trials, don't commit any crimes. Why didn't Trump return the classified documents when the subpoena was handed to him?
  5. Tell me how a prosecutor can shop around for a judge? Do you think the prosecutors wanted Judge Cannon?
  6. I don't necessarily want Trump found guilty, I just want a fair trial(s).
  7. so now you will delete your false post? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/08/25/remarks-by-president-biden-in-press-gaggle-15/ THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I can. As a matter of fact, I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is ne- — necessary — that works. And tentatively — not decided finally yet — tentatively, it is recommended that — it will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.
  8. Wrong. https://www.actuaries.digital/2023/03/06/almost-20000-excess-deaths-for-2022-in-australia/ "Just over half of the expected excess mortality for 2022 is due to deaths from COVID-19 (+10,300 deaths), with another +2,900 where COVID-19 was a contributing factor, and the remaining excess of +6,600 with no mention of COVID-19 on the death certificate." Interestingly, very few deaths could be attributed to vaccine related illnesses. Unless you think the vaccine causes dementia.
  9. You have misquoted Biden. He did not say "require". Please delete your post.
  10. Your link says "recommend", but the link address falsely says "mandate". I suggest that you remove the false link address.
  11. FOX News disagrees with you: https://www.foxnews.com/health/biden-plans-ask-congress-funding-develop-covid-vaccine-require-shot "Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not." You understand that a recommendation is not the same as a mandate?
  12. Yes. People who recently received a Covid shot seem to be healthier than most. Good to know.
  13. You do understand that during the Covid lockdowns and the loans, Trump was president?
  14. You will also notice that those who received vaccines less than 21 days prior all had 0 Covid related deaths, compared to 45 for the unvaccinated. The vast majority of Covid deaths for this sample were people who were vaccinated more than 21 days prior. But its a pretty small sample. Just remember that almost everyone who died from Covid in 2020 was unvaccinated.
  15. I believe you have previously stated that the 91 charges against Trump were bogus because witchhunt.
  16. I have been exposed to Covid-19 repeatedly, even by people suffering from Covid symptoms. People who went from my condo to the hospital the next morning. I never got it. I assume my vaccinations protected me from infection.
  17. So, you are saying that this group is tired of lies, but supports Trump who lies constantly? Let me guess, you are tired of lies, but believe Trump weighs 215 pounds, right?
  18. I can't say I have ever seen one in operation in Pattaya, although Club Fate allegedly has one in storage. I don't play pool, but I do play foosball.
  19. You clearly don't understand how US elections work. Each vote comes from a precinct. Each precinct's voter rolls are carefully checked by members of both parties. Let's say you got a bunch of blank ballots, and you had the digital voter rolls. You could print ballots with voter names, but it wouldn't help you. Do you know why?
  20. Yep. Before medical science appeared, people relied on God for healing. The median age was 27 or so.
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