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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Trump cultists have no interest in the facts you laid out. Facts are irrelevant to them.
  2. 3 of Trump's co-defendents argue that they were acting under the aegis of the Federal government when they pretended to be electors, and therefore immune from state prosecution. Of course, they are being charged with pretending to be operating under the Federal aegis, so claiming it again won't help them.
  3. That's called "Argument by Authority", but this particular Authority has zero peer reviewed research on climate. What would be effective would be peer reviewed papers debunking Climate Change.
  4. Yep, that's how it works in Real Life. The courts are not going to let Trump whine about being a political prisoner, like they didn't with the Oath Keepers.
  5. History will be the judge in their cases. I don't recall any stories of non-consensual sex in the White House that stood up to scrutiny. Trump, however, has been convicted of sexual abuse.
  6. Trump is accused of committing crimes, and will be tried for his actions, not his political beliefs.
  7. Proving Consciousness of guilt is standard legal procedure. During the trials, your internet friends will try to convince you that lots of normal procedures are somehow weird and unusual. Don't fall for their propaganda.
  8. yep, electing Trump in 2016 made America into comedy fodder.
  9. After China sees what happens to Russia, they will think twice about invading Taiwan. Unless the appeasers win in 2024, and abandon Ukraine.
  10. If the United States does not support Ukraine sufficiently to evict Russia from Ukrainian territory, how can the US deter China?
  11. All you are saying is that you are incapable of answering the question. Because its outside the bounds of your programming.
  12. I will give you a clue: this man is the same height and weight claimed by Trump: Do you think Trump weighs 215 pounds?
  13. I am asking you if you think he weighs 215 pounds.
  14. You made an assertion that the Feds waited 3 years to indict Trump. I asked you the simple question as to whether you think the Feds should have been indicted for the classified documents 3 years ago. Please answer without obfuscation.
  15. It's amazing that the Trump lovers can't answer the simple question of whether they think Trump weighs 215 pounds. It's a very telling symptom.
  16. Most of that arms and ammunition came from stockpiles and was manufactured long ago. Lots of systems destined for the scrapheap went to Ukraine.
  17. Do you believe that Trump should have been indicted for possession of classified materials 3 years ago?
  18. Yes, if there are big changes, Trump would have a decent chance.
  19. A serious question: Do you believe Trump weighs 215 pounds?
  20. More obfuscation. Please stop trolling, and answer the question: Do you believe Trump weighs 215 pounds? If you decline to answer, that would be indicative of your fear of contradicting your Dear Leader.
  21. I have a serious question for you: Do you believe Trump weighs 215 pounds? Please, no rambling, just answer the question.
  22. America doesn't declare war anymore. But America invaded Syria under Trump.
  23. I have no problem with investigating any relative who profits from their family connections with elected officials.
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