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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You will note that all of these researchers stated that IF the cooling were to continue blah, blah, blah would happen. There never was a theory of why there was a short dip in global temperature, nor a consensus that the cooling was a real trend. Global warming was predicted many years ago, there is a demonstrated mechanism for it, and a global scientific consensus behind it. Not the same as the global cooling idea that was a minor and transitory thought.
  2. The Deniers are attacking the concept of "consensus" and Wiki pages, but zero about the data supporting Global Warming. Telling, isn't it?
  3. The long lines at outgoing Immigration are made worse by individuals from certain countries who worm their way to the front. Yesterday, one of them was making his way through the line, and I had to step sideways to stop him from passing me. Then it turned into a bit of a rugby match as he was twisting and turning to get ahead of me, until we reached the escalator.
  4. He can't deal with the actual data, so all he has are abstract arguments about the consensus.
  5. Once again, you attack the strawman of "consensus" instead of the data underpinning the consensus. What data supporting the Global Warming hypothesis is invalid?
  6. No, solar activity has not increased. Your internet friends have lied to you. You can ask them why the Stratosphere is cooling. They won't answer. And without their help, neither can you.
  7. You are not addressing the data, because you cannot. Instead you engage in trolling. If the science isn't settled, what data disproves the Global Warming hypothesis?
  8. You are attacking the straw man of "consensus" without addressing the proof behind the consensus. Classic troll maneuver.
  9. You can pontificate about what is reality, but you can't explain why the Stratosphere is cooling.
  10. You agree that human produced greenhouse gases are warming the planet?
  11. So, why is the Stratosphere cooling? Why are the Deniers unable to answer this simple question?
  12. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas which traps heat in the lower atmosphere. This is indisputable. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing. This is indisputable. Human produced CO2 accounts for most of this increase. Again, indisputable. The planet is warming. Indisputable. Therefore, human produced CO2 is warming the planet. Indisputable. Now you can argue against the consensus that sex causes pregnancy.
  13. Why is the Stratosphere cooling? You cannot explain why, because you don't understand any of this. You are just here to sow doubt about climate change.
  14. You would have to show that the scientific proof itself was false. There was no scientific process that determined that the Earth was flat. Now you Deniers are attacking the concept of scientific consensus, rather than the proof itself, because you cannot attack the proof.
  15. You ignore the reality that the scientific concensus is based on proof. And you ignore the proof. Instead you waste our time with abstract arguments.
  16. Actually, no. There were uneducated people who thought the Earth was flat, just as there are uneducated people now who don't believe in climate change.
  17. Human induced climate change has been proven. You are simply unable to accept that, just as Flat Earthers cannot accept the scientific consensus that the Earth isn't flat. So, let me ask you the standard question: why is the Stratosphete cooling?
  18. You're not even trying now. The link above describes the process of measuring stratosphere temperatures, and the measurements themselves, but not why there is a cooling trend.
  19. There is consensus that the Earth is not flat. Deal with that argument.
  20. classic trolling manuever there. I will ignore it. Your own link demonstrates that rising levels of CO2 are warming the planet.
  21. Nope. The blog post says nothing to contest the known fact that the Stratosphere is cooling because rising levels of CO2 trap heat in the Troposphere, so the heat does not rise up to the Stratosphere. That CO2 is increasing due to human activities.
  22. Let's recap the bidding: I asked you why the Stratosphere is cooling, and you replied with a link stating that the Stratosphere is cooling because CO2 traps heat in the Troposphere that normally would rise up to the Stratosphere. Therefore, CO2, which is at record levels, due to human production, is warming the Troposphere. It's not increased solar activity that is warming the planet. Thanks for playing.
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