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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Geez, I see bargirls barely 25 "in love" with 80 year old Farangs.
  2. Here, I'll help you: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature
  3. Meh. Trump will lose, and probably file bankruptcy to get out of paying.
  4. In case you are keeping score, the last fully successful interplanetary Russian mission was 40 years ago, back in Soviet times.
  5. This scientist had nothing to do with the spacecraft failure.
  6. That was my point, yes. If you expect your bargirl to stop working bar, then yes, you must pay. Lots of Thai men support former bargirls in the same manner. Some posters will comment that the bargirls could work in a factory or shop, but most are too old for that.
  7. I am very happy renting a lady until I am finished and then returning her to her bar or Thai husband. Taking care of her the next morning is too much work for me.
  8. Yes, but .... the Thai boyfriends want her to work bar to make money to hand to them, whereas the Farang wants her to stop working bar.
  9. Not the problem. The problem is that money is allocated in the Federal bureau for projects such as Luna-25, but the money disappears before it gets to the design bureau. But the government orders the design bureau to continue with the project anyway.
  10. Your man Trump told 30,000 lies while in office. Having said that, yes, Hunter Biden is a sleazeball.
  11. Space is hard. Seriously, the Russian space program is dying. Too much corruption at the highest level. There just isn't money to train and employ replacements for the aging workforce. I am very familiar with the Luna-25 design bureau, and they are going through hard times.
  12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change American Association for the Advancement of Science as the world's largest general scientific society, adopted an official statement on climate change in 2006: "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society. ... The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now." Do you agree with this?
  13. Nope. I have explained that trolling doubt by "asking questions" or implying corruption by scientists is your technique. Its pretty obvious that your internet friends send you material to post. They, in turn, lead back to paid trolls (paid by either the oil industry or Russia). That's why I ask you why the stratosphere is cooling because the Troll Factory has no answers for that.
  14. Let's see links for that chart. But, yeah, we got it: you flunked science in school, and still hold a grudge.
  15. I have answered that specific question in a prior post, but since I am not a troll, I will answer again. Tens of thousands of researchers are funded by an assortment of public and private organizations. The vast majority of these researchers are grad students, who are famous for being poorly paid. Researchers apply for grants, those whose work cannot be duplicated by other researchers generally don't get funded. Now, back to my question: why is the stratosphere cooling?
  16. Back in the 1980s, the oil companies decided to fight the scientific consensus on climate change by sowing doubt rather than a direct challenge. So, there is no overall hypothesis to explain the climate, just a handful of Deniers sowing doubt. And it seems that your posts follow the same pattern, all doubt, no facts. Let me give you the same Troll test I give Deniers. Why is the Stratosphere cooling? This is a significant question because Deniers cannot answer it. You can say "I don't know", but that means you are clueless on this subject. You can ignore the question, but that tells us that your programming has a bug. Or you can try to answer and explain why the Stratosphere is cooling.
  17. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change Several studies of the consensus have been undertaken. Among the most cited is a 2013 study of nearly 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate science published since 1990, of which just over 4,000 papers expressed an opinion on the cause of recent global warming. Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is human-caused. It is "extremely likely"[11] that this warming arises from "human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases"[11] in the atmosphere.[12] Natural change alone would have had a slight cooling effect rather than a warming effect.
  18. Do you think Trump is guilty of any of the charges against him? Or do you think it's irrelevant, Trump should not be put on trial?
  19. Because neither you nor this Lindzen have ever heard of the planet Venus. You should check it out. Afterwards you won't make such clueless posts.
  20. You don't trust scientists, but when convenient, you post links to their work. But, I am okay with your conclusion that science is wrong and that you know more than the scientific consensus. That tells us all we need to know about you. It's like talking to a Flat Earther.
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