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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Moore_(consultant) "In 2006, he disagreed with the scientific consensus on climate change in a letter to the Royal Society, arguing there was "no scientific proof" that mankind was causing global climate change and believes that it "has a much better correlation with changes in solar activity than CO2 levels". He has falsely claimed that there is no scientific evidence that carbon dioxide contributes to climate change." In other words, he is clueless about the role of CO2 in causing climate change, and is just making stuff up.
  2. Just because you posted a link doesn't mean that you understand or agree with the linked content. Could you provide a brief summary of the explanation for Stratospheric cooling? If not, can you tell us if you agree with the findings in that link?
  3. in the sense that resarchers apply to foundations for funds to conduct research, and papers are the result of that research, the patrons are pleased. Unless the papers do not survive peer review, or errors are uncovered. The oil industry funds scientists who scrutinize papers about climate change, rarely finding errors. If a scientist could disprove the Global Warming hypothesis, they would become very wealthy. No luck for them so far, the scientific consensus remains behind Climate Change. Except for some oddballs and lunatics.
  4. Meanwhile, tropical storms are now hitting Southern California, Indonesia has to move its capitol because Jakarta is sinking, glaciers are disappearing, all of this must be a big surprise to you.
  5. How does the Sun cool the Stratosphere? Are you saying that solar output is declining? If so, why is Earth warming?
  6. I took my house in the US off the grid. I have solar panels outside my condo here. No car, no moto. Take mass transportation when possible. Have a nice day.
  7. The reverse is kind of true: relatively few Farangs use Facebook, so much so that its common for Thai ladies to post about their adventures with no worries that their Farang "boyfriends" will see them. For a lot of Farangs, its LINE only.
  8. You care so little about global warming that you make long posts about how little you care.
  9. Your internet friends still haven't told you why the Stratosphere is cooling?
  10. Since you agree that the planet is warming, the question is what is the cost of slowing the warming vs the cost in human lives and money in dealing with future warming?
  11. What a stupid post. We get it: you think you know more than scientists, who publish fake papers to please their patrons.
  12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/high-arctic-research-station-forced-to-close-1.1171728 This is just one ground station, mostly used for ozone research. Your internet friends sent you that information, hoping you were gullible enough to believe their claim that the global temperature measuring system has degraded. But global temperature is largely monitored by satellite, and ground stations are mostly used for calibration. There are independent satellite networks operated by different countries, and their datasets are largely in agreement on global temperature increases. Science 1 Your internet friends 0
  13. Since you can't post any facts proving that climate change isn't real, all you have is sowing doubt: "how does anyone know anything is real? So how can a scientist know they are right?"
  14. Verbal diarrhea in place of facts. Your filibustering informs no one. The same question for you: Why is the Stratosphere cooling? Failure to explain this means you don't understand the science.
  15. I once did a reverse rescue of a lady. She was living with a Thai boyfriend and very unhappy. One night she came to stay in my hotel (in Udon Thani). The next morning, she decided to go with me to Pattaya to work bar. She never saw the boyfriend again, she didn't even go back to her room to pick up her clothes.
  16. A similar thing happened me, the Thai lady still comes for weekly sex (2000 baht LT). So does her twin sister (not at the same time). Both have Thai boyfriends. In fact, maybe 90% of the ladies I know have Thai boyfriends.
  17. I'm just going off Facebook posts. Bargirls proudly show off their ancient Farang boyfriends, the older the better. I guess "morbidly decrepit Farang boyfriend" = "money in bank" soon.
  18. The Lavochkin bureau once did a redesign of the upper stage of the Dnepr launcher (SS-18) to accommodate the requirements of one of my projects, that's how I knew them.
  19. That's how I started. I taught myself Russian reading the books about the Soviet space program. Then I went to Russia to work on various projects. One of my designs passed System Requirements Reviews in Russia and by NASA simultaneously. I was a busy boy.
  20. I used to work in Russia, among the various factories and design bureaus. And my NDAs have all expired.
  21. It's getting hotter globally. We are at the hottest point in the recorded temperature history of the planet. Your deflections cannot change that.
  22. If you are not worried about climate change, why do you post so much about it?
  23. Geez, I see bargirls barely 25 "in love" with 80 year old Farangs.
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