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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. This is very bad news for Trump's legal team from that time period.
  2. Whether Trump believed or not the election was stolen is irrelevant to his defense (except an insanity plea). If you rob a bank because you think the bank stole your money isn't going to protect you against a bank robbery charge.
  3. 10 years ago is when the mainstream Climate Change Deniers gave up, leaving a handful of deadenders. There are a few people today who deny that: CO2 levels are really high; Humans are generating this excess CO2; The excess CO2 is causing global heating. Not too many deny that anymore.
  4. Both you - and your internet friend who sent you the graph - are unable to understand the graph's message, which is that current CO2 levels are really high.
  5. They both can be true, as they are using samples from different periods. If a third scientist had a sample from 10 million years ago, they might have a different conclusion. You are having a cognitive problem. Because you are overlooking the main issue - that current CO2 levels are really, really high, and the planet is warming.
  6. If the Fulton County DA indicts too many people, she is going to see an army of attorneys representing the defendants. Unfortunately, her office does not have the same firepower as the Feds, so maybe less is more.
  7. Nope. This is very simple, so I will type slowly so you understand. One scientist had a sample that was 2.1 million years old and reported the results. Another scientist had an older sample and reported the results. This is presumably confusing for you. Imagine if you actually had to read a scientific paper instead of having your internet friends provide you with a distorted synopsis.
  8. Easy to see where you are going with this: You will ignore the science of atmospheric physics, since everyone in that field "have jobs that rely on climate change". So, you listen to cranks in other fields, who are largely clueless about atmospheric physics. Just like someone who disagrees with medical science, and has an accountant perform heart surgery for them.
  9. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/matt-gaetz-shouts-that-only-through-force-do-we-make-any-change-while-standing-beside-trump-in-iowa/ Matt Gaetz Shouts That ‘Only Through Force Do We Make Any Change’ While Standing Beside Trump in Iowa Trump is on trial for something like this, right?
  10. and some flights from UTP to Isaan would be nice.
  11. Domestic THAI flights are jammed, due to high demand and small airplanes. It's time they took some of their A330s out of storage, and deployed them on domestic routes.
  12. Next week, Trump will probably be indicted in Fulton County, Georgia.
  13. Nice deflection from this topic. I would be happy to talk about Republican wars, but that would be off topic. So, which of Trump's mooks will be indicted next?
  14. You are correct. If there were a topic about Biden's flaws, I would have plenty to post. But this topic is about Trump going to the monkey house, so let's stay on topic.
  15. Hello. I prize reality over party talking points. I am still waiting for you to stop with the talking points and post some actual thoughts.
  16. The judge in the Jan 6 case has given Trump notice that if he tries to pollute the jury pool with inflammatory statements, she will accelerate the trial date to minimize the damage.
  17. It would be interesting to hear from the Trumpers as to which of Trump's mooks are going to be indicted. It's not very likely that the Trump Lie Machine has given them any talking points on Trump's accomplices, so they would have to think to respond, and I suspect that thinking would be arduous for most of them. So, Yellowtail, Bignok, Nauseous: who will be indicted?
  18. *Deleted post edited out* https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/ "Gorbachev replied: “The topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. ".
  19. Let's put it a different way: CO2 levels are higher than at any point in time since the emergence of Homo Sapiens.
  20. No, most were engineers, with some geologists on the list. Many were quite famous, but quite clueless about climate.
  21. Wrong. Even Gorbachev has stated that it's not true.
  22. A bunch of engineers and geologists who were dead wrong in 2012. The impact of CO2 on climate is well established. I know some of the signatories quite well, and they don't know anything about atmospheric physics.
  23. This is a tired old argument used by people who have little understanding of the problem. It is true that during the history of Earth, there have been wild climate extremes. But, the reality is that our civilization was developed to exist in a certain temperature range. Outside of that range, and mass numbers die. They won't care that it was 10 degrees warmer in the time of the dinosaurs. If you go out, and its very hot, if someone tells you it was a hotter a million years ago, that doesn't help you. And that's your post in a nutshell.
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