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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Or they are worried about the celebration after Harris wins.
  2. Did you know that every presidential candidate who survived an assassination attempt went on to lose the election?
  3. What city in Russia are you posting from?
  4. Because DC shopowners are the experts on national elections.
  5. Harris is going to win 90% of the Black vote, and 65% of the Latino vote. 55% of the female vote. The question is how many white males are going to show up on Election Day.
  6. And Trump isn't lazy?
  7. Trump's once enthusiastic crowds dwindle in election's closing days For some reason, people don't want to listen to 2 hour long nonsense speeches.
  8. Trump needs a better scheduler.
  9. My point is that using 2020 as a baseline for comparison is worthless. Republicans were told not to vote early in 2020, but this year, they are encouraged to vote early.
  10. Link, please.
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/04/us/politics/trump-rally-crowds.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare The air is leaking from the Trump balloon.
  12. Trump has not commented on the remarks, but has since attempted, implausibly, to claim he did not know Hinchcliffe, despite the fact that the podcaster has a huge following, opened Trump’s rally and was vetted by his campaign.
  13. Obviously, Kamala Harris was repeating a family story. As a reasonable person would conclude, there is no evidence supporting or disproving the story. Obviously, you received this as a talking point. The real question is whether you consider lies to be disqualifying for a presidential candidate, and what is the threshold?
  14. You will be crying when Trump loses.
  15. Why do you even bother to post? In response to a post claiming that Trump insulted Kamala Harris, you posted "such as". Then when given a quote from Trump calling Harris a monster, you posted "Where are the lies? What are you talking about? ". You need to stop and consider how your trolling helps anyone. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
  16. You two guys better get your stories straight.
  17. Trump wants to put Herschel Walker in charge of US missile defense This is not a joke.
  18. They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs.
  19. Since you're Canadian, you probably aren't aware that Trump completely failed in office. Apart from the dozens of broken promises listed above, Trump mishandled COVID, crashed the economy, collapsed the stock market, all the while running up an enormous deficit. Many of the problems he constantly complains about didn't get fixed while he was in charge.
  20. Yep, it's a long flight. As usual, Thai Airways was late, and I made my connection with few minutes to spare.
  21. You don't have an explanation for that long list of broken Trump promises? So you think the people who believed Trump were stupid?
  22. Why aren't you exposing the lies that Trumpers here post? Or are you just a Putin supporter trying to help Trump?
  23. If your brother-in-law can read English, there's a problem with his story.
  24. Trump says these were ballots. Was he wrong? https://lancasteronline.com/news/politics/at-airport-rally-trump-misleads-about-voter-fraud-in-lancaster-county-jokes-he-wouldn-t/article_29c46948-9a20-11ef-9d2d-8b639ed95884.html
  25. Again, you won't be worrying about polls in 48 hours.
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