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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Bars in Pattaya are far from being in decline. Onlyfans has the typical pyramid distribution of earnings, the top 1% gets 90% of the money. Same with most online systems. And earnings for the bottom half are intermittent.
  2. They intend to support their families, but then Thai boyfriends, gambling and drinking get in the way. But, some do send religiously. And some have demanding families that take every satang.
  3. How much does she give to her family every month?
  4. I know two former bargirls who “retired” to Isaan to live with their husbands 5 years ago, but came back this month to work in Pattaya. I got them jobs working cashier. No money in Isaan.
  5. Except that someone in the family put a note on the Chanote for one million baht, blew the money on gambling, and now the lady has to work bar again.
  6. I know a lady who makes big money on OnlyFans and has multiple sponsors, but she still hits the bars to meet her lady friends.
  7. The top 1% can money online, after that, money for online work drops considerably.
  8. Yeah, I forgot about cashiers. But, bars generally only have one or two cashiers, so not so many jobs. And much lower salary.
  9. Geez, there is lots of Covid in the villages. Not so much in the bars. But its mild.
  10. Not a valuable post. Perhaps you have a better take on bargirl retirement strategies. Maybe "marry an old Farang and live happily ever after. Not see Thai husband anymore."
  11. Not all conspiracy theories are true. If you drill down into the internet rumors that your friends send you, you will find that doctors are not getting rich off Covid. Maybe you don’t understand how doctors are paid, and what is their normal workload.
  12. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2022.898101/full https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220614/Omicron-led-to-higher-rates-of-death-in-rural-America-than-urban-areas.aspx plenty more data, but you can do your own research.
  13. Nope. There is something called the “scientific method” that you should investigate. Spoiler: the ones calling for mask wearing and vaccination use that mysterious scientific method.
  14. Hmmm. If doctors scare people into vaccinating, less patients for them.
  15. Factories may continue to have long term employees long after they hit 35, but not many hire new ladies after age 35.
  16. No need to read topics for which you have no interest. i am not interested in topics about football, but I don’t post whines about them.
  17. Not so many have planned for retirement. Many send money to their family, but when they want to retire, that money is gone. The number of people in Isaan who gamble is incredible.
  18. Covid is not so prevalent in the bars, but it is rampant outside the bars.
  19. Most bargirls have a "sell by" date around age 40, and most are aware of imminent forced retirement. There are a few who can continue to work bar into their 40s, but they are exceptional. So, bargirls start to think about retirement at some point in their 30s. Among the chief strategies : Marry a Farang. This is Plan A for many, but it has drawbacks. For one thing, its not easy to live with someone you don't love, for a long time. I have run into former bargirls who married for money, and its not pretty, especially when assets have already been transferred to them. Some deride their spouses, while others can maintain a facade of respect, especially if there are more assets to be transferred to them. Another problem is how to continue to see their Thai boyfriend. That can often mean letting the Farang husband go to bars, while they visit their " brother". Another common plan is to open a shop or restaurant back home. These have a high failure rate, and the bargirl returns to the bar after a few months. Strangely, working in a bar is poor preparation for running a business. Working massage for another 10 years is common. They can tell their Thai husband that they only massage, no boom-boom. Not stopping work is another strategy. This often has tragic results, as the bargirl has ever fewer customers. At some point, their Thai boyfriend will leave, as the money runs out, and he is forced to find a better cash cow. Another strategy: get a regular day job. Since factories don't hire older ladies, this is not common. Or the lady may get a low paying job at a shop, and go out to Beach Road after work, to get one customer before she goes home. Really uncommon: a bargirl who saved for retirement.
  20. I am sorry your immune system had problems dealing with the milder variant that is in Thailand now.
  21. The difference now is that Covid is milder, and more people are vaccinated, so the hospitals don't fill up.
  22. It depends on whether Covid mutates into a more deadly variant or continues to be mild.
  23. You have plenty of mystery juice in your body, from other vaccines you took before Covid.
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