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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Oxford Dictionary gives it as “ inflammation of the tonsils”.
  2. You are missing my point. Wherever Covid really hit, the hospitals filled up quickly and people started dying like flies. Pattaya was the one place on Earth where large numbers of elderly Farangs got Covid in early 2020 (allegedly), but the hospitals were not impacted. Amazing Pattaya!
  3. Given the deadliness of the initial Covid variant, its amazing the hospitals in Pattaya were not swamped with Farangs suffering Covid in early 2020. Many had it, but nobody went to the hospital, or died. Despite a lack of PPE, isolation measures, and treatments. Once Covid was recognized, and tests were available, then we saw, a lot of serious cases.
  4. There is plenty of data available that the vaccinated are less likely to get infected, less likely to infect others, and less likely to die.
  5. I am amazed how many Farangs had Covid in early 2020, before Covid tests were available.
  6. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02121-z https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9258292/
  7. I’m not saying that the epidemic over, only that the worst has passed.
  8. You can tell CDC they are lying: https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf
  9. Now that most of the pandemic has passed, we can look back at some of the crazier issues that were considered in the depths of the progression of the disease: Herd Immunity: you don’t hear much about that anymore. Basically, there are so many dead ended anti-vax types that Covid will take years to disappear, if ever. On the other hand, at the start of the epidemic, some government idiots suggested that the epidemic be allowed to run its course, until so many people had been infected that the virus had no one else to infect. They seemed a little weak on the math. That approach would have led to full hospitals and millions dead. hydroxychloroquine: No, it doesn’t work, never did, no one believes in it anymore. I won’t start with Ivermectin, it still has some deadender believers. Vaccine deaths: any time millions of people do anything, over the next weeks, some are going to die, for whatever reason. If someone was murdered that had been vaccinated the week before, they showed up in the post-vaccine death numbers. But, now that over a billion have been vaccinated, we are not seeing large numbers of unexplained vaccine deaths. Counting Covid cases: the Deniers liked to point out flaws in the counting methodologies, but the bottom line was that Covid case numbers, if not perfectly accurate, gave a reasonable idea of the number of cases, and the progression of the disease. When Covid was a life and death issue, that was very important. Long term issues with vaccination: the anti-vax types told us that there would be long term consequences from vaccination. Still waiting.
  10. https://www.thedailybeast.com/paxlovid-covid-pills-used-to-treat-biden-have-no-benefit-for-a-lot-of-adults-study?ref=home And with a 5 day relapse for those seniors who use it.
  11. Her plan probably is to live with me when she is working in Pattaya, and see the husband when she goes back to Isaan. The problem is that 10 other ladies have the same plan.
  12. The nasty hacking cough that so many had in Pattaya seems to be disappearing. Now there is a new flavor of Omicron raging in Thailand but it seems to be mild. I don't worry about Covid very much any more. Hopefully, enough people will get vaccinated that the disease will die out.
  13. Tonsilitis is not a disease, it is a symptom. Basically, it's inflammation of the tonsils. Could be caused by many things. Covid oftens causes inflammation.
  14. I know a bargirl who wants to marry me. She is very possessive and jealous of other ladies. Only one flaw in her plan: she has a Thai husband.
  15. If you go the grid tie route, you can modify your system later to go off grid, once you have some expertise. But, don't forget that off grid requires power storage, which is an order of magnitude more difficult and expensive.
  16. I am sure that plenty of 50 year old+ Farangs have married university girls, but that is not what this topic is about. This topic is about Farangs married to ex-bargirls. There are 2 major traps for Farangs married to bargirls: 1. The inevitable Thai boyfriend. Also known as "brother" "uncle" or "water delivery guy". 2. "Customer before".
  17. My bargirlfriend believes that there is a casino on Soi Diamond in Pattaya.
  18. For a beginner with a low electric bill, I would suggest a grid tie inverter, maybe 2000 watts. This just plugs into an existing socket. You can hook up 2000 watts of solar panels, making sure the voltage of the combined panels can be accommodated by the inverter. I like to use 48V, since the power cables don't have to be thick, and shocking yourself won't kill you.
  19. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Actually, there's a big advantage, since you can save time. Instead of handing money to your Thai lady, you can give the money directly to her Thai boyfriend.
  20. Not too many posters want to admit they married a bargirl. Everyone marries a university graduate who owns a shop.
  21. Getting back to the topic, one possible drawback of a LTR with a Ladyboy is they are inevitably younger and have more interest in sex than you. It may be exciting at first, but it’s likely that the constant demands for sex may get irritating down the road.
  22. I do know ladies in their 40s who are specifically looking for a Farang, and don’t bother with Thai men. But they’re not looking for a specific Farang.
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