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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There was no inflation during COVID for obvious reasons. Once COVID eased up, demand increased, and inflation resulted. Your inability to remember recent history explains your love of Trump.
  2. I'm not going to sit through some YouTube video where Kamala Harris says stuff that you interpret as making her socialist, but only you believe that. If you don't have the intellect to distill one statement from the video that backs up your claim, then don't be surprised if no one believes you.
  3. I was just asking a question about your extravagant claims. If you don't want to back up your claims, up to you.
  4. So, someone sent you a YouTube video, told you that Kamala Harris was espousing socialism, and you believed them. Exactly what socialist ideas did she endorse?
  5. Every president goes to Arlington on Memorial Day to honor deceased veterans. They don't dishonor veterans by using the event as a campaign ad.
  6. The big question is the impact of wind energy on bacon. Do you agree with Trump on this?
  7. The polls seem to be stabilizing with Harris having a 3 or 4 point lead. At this point, either the debates or some new event or scandal will be required to change the status quo.
  8. What did you expect from a CNN interview? MAGA types have transitioned from "she won't do an interview" to "she did an interview, but I didn't like her answers".
  9. All presidents have walls built during their administration. What was different about Trump is he wanted walls built where none were needed, places where people didn't cross. Trump failed, and the only walls built were in the standard high crossing areas, the usual rebuilds.
  10. Trump allowed 3 million illegals into the USA. The number would have been higher, but COVID, not Trump, stopped them.
  11. Johnson pulled strings to get Trump into Arlington — and now the scandal is spreading Another Republican enmeshed in this scandal. Where's the footage of Mike Johnson pulling the strings?
  12. No problem. If you find the campaign ad that Biden issued, you can post it here. We'll wait.
  13. You believe you can handwave this disaster away by posting 100 times about the missing Trump footage? You understand that there are already formal reports that won't go away no matter how many times you troll?
  14. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/?ex_cid=abcpromo It looks like an increase of .1% per day in the Harris lead. By Labor Day, we will know how this is shaking out.
  15. And I can't fill out a Thai tax return. I think you are making my point for me - that the new regulations are unworkable. As an example, the Thai immigration system is functional, yet thousands overstay. When caught, penalties are levied. This tax system isn't workable, but when someone is caught with unexplained funds, then the penalties will be levied. But huge numbers of people will commit the tax equivalent of overstaying.
  16. Kamala Harris does not have to agree 100 percent with Biden. Now that she is running at the top of the ticket, she is free to illustrate her policies. Even a rank novice should understand this. Your attempts to nitpick her are ineffective if you use ignorant criticisms. You need to elevate your game. You could criticize Harris for politicizing a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, for example.
  17. @frank83628 doesn't believe Trump's spokesman. So, when will the footage be released?
  18. Given that audits are rare, and most people in the RD can't read English, the above is true, but ..... Maybe not useful in the Real World. For example, let's say my bank statement shows some deposits in 2024, but I use FIFO for remittances to Thailand, so my remittances are from pre-2024 income. Nobody in the RD is going to understand that. My opinion is these new regulations are unworkable for all but millionaire Farangs, who are already filing tax returns.
  19. The family of a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign had filmed his grave site without permission as Trump stood in an area where campaign photography isn’t allowed. This story isn't getting better for Trump.
  20. You seem to be in denial over this bad news for Trump. I don't remember the seven stages of grief, but please don't go through them here.
  21. Are you drunk? Why won't the Trump campaign release the video?
  22. You are correct. But they described the incident. Do you believe the US Army?
  23. You do know that it was the Trump campaign that took the video...? So, go demand the footage from them.
  24. You can tell the US Army that they are wrong.
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