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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You sound like you want Trump to lose the election. Except you forgot to throw in "dictator from day 1".
  2. Not while the Cult of Trump dominates the Republican party. It's like an invasion of zombies, you can't negotiate with them.
  3. Note that you are attracted to them, too.
  4. You fell into a classic troll trap. This topic is about Trump disrespecting veterans, which may cost him the election. Since you can't defend Trump, you are trying to make noise about me, but I'm not running for president. You are missing the point, which is that Trump doesn't respect veterans.
  5. My question is what would be the market's immediate reaction to a large stock dump by Trump? Would his sell order be met by bids at the current market rate, or would everyone immediately low-ball knowing the probable stock price dive?
  6. You are living in the past. Next, you will complain about her emails.
  7. Grinning idiot. He doesn't have a clue about respect for our veterans and would be bewildered by the pushback against this disgrace. Most of the Trumpers here are foreigners, so they neither care or understand the outrage US veterans who support Trump have to be deep down the rabbit hole to not be outraged by this stunt at a military cemetery.
  8. I've got good news for you: you are going to have Kamala Harris as President for the next four years, so you will have plenty of opportunities to make comments about her.
  9. Trump has to debate, since he is behind in the polls. So, this topic is much Ado about nothing.
  10. Trump has no regard for military veterans.
  11. Can you think of anything that happened prior to January 2021 that might have caused inflation?
  12. It makes her early in the campaign. As time passes, she will beat him by more. Will you be happy then?
  13. This dog has dropped below $20. Will that trigger another wave of support buying, or have the Trumpers given up on this one? What would be the impact of Trump trying unload a hundred million shares on the market?
  14. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/?ex_cid=abcpromo Not looking good for Trump.
  15. Can you give us a link about Kamala Harris wanting to build a wall, I would like to see her rationale. Note that barriers have been built under all recent presidents. The difference is that Trump promised a full impenetrable wall, paid for by Mexico.
  16. Biden demonstrated that old people have a "sell by" after which they shouldn't be in office. Do you really think Trump can hold it together for four years in office?
  17. Do you believe that Donald Trump weighs 215 lbs?
  18. Harris's 1978 book Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution critiques mainstream economic theories, using mathematical modeling to propose an alternative model for thinking about the effects of capital accumulation on income inequality, economic growth, instability, and other phenomena. He has worked extensively on analysis and policy regarding the economy of Jamaica. He served in Jamaica, at various times, as economic policy consultant to the government and as economic adviser to successive prime ministers. In 2021, he was awarded Jamaica's Order of Merit, the country's third-highest national honor, for his "contribution to national development"
  19. Nobody said that Trump's lies about his weight disqualify him. The significance is that Trump cult members can't agree that Trump lied about his weight.
  20. So, you are saying that Slavery wasn't that bad? How much further down the rabbit hole will you go?
  21. Please give a specific example. Don't forget the "socialism" part.
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