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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I am amazed they allow drinking in restaurants, while Omicron is infecting thousands.
  2. Please provide a link demonstrating that Covid is not a big killer. There are 5 million dead who want to know they aren't dead.
  3. Misinformation. Someone has lied to you about RT-PCR tests, and rather than check out their lie, you posted it here. RT-PCR tests can easily distinguish between Covid and influenza, as can physicians.
  4. You see, Covid comes in what they call “waves”. Typically, these waves hit large cities first and then disperse into the countryside. So, I am planning my travel accordingly. Assuming that my RT-PCR test isn’t positive.
  5. My first stop is Brazil. Omicron has not yet taken hold there. I am planning to jump to Argentina when Omicron passes there. It looks like it is hitting really hard in Argentina, but that may mean it ebbs quicker.
  6. I plan to go to countries that either don’t have Omicron yet, or where it has passed. i am in Pattaya now, and everyone has it, I can’t go anywhere safe.
  7. I am fleeing Thailand until Omicron passes, and was wondering my ATM card will work in other countries.
  8. The point is that, whatever was open in Pattaya before today can stay open. Until they change their minds.
  9. Getting back on topic, pubs are not being shut down by CCSA, as far as I can tell.
  10. No. I am seeing symptomatic people test negative on ATK and positive via RT-PCR.
  11. Do you disagree that unvaccinateds are far more likely to die from Covid? It’s that death thing that worries so many people, but vaccinated Don’t worry so much.
  12. Hospitals in Thailand are preparing for mass numbers of patients. Do you think they are making a mistake? NY reports highest single-day COVID deaths since mass vaccination began
  13. Wrong again. Unvaccinateds are by far more likely to be infected, and they are dying by the thousands. You can read about them at: http://Www.sorryantivaxxer.com
  14. You are confused. By far, unvaccinateds are driving this latest wave. I blame unvaccinated people for this wave.
  15. I dunno, I went for a PCR test this morning at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, and the testing unit was empty.
  16. Is there some part of “cheap ATK kits are not so good at detecting Omicron “ that I got wrong? Lots of symptomatic people I know have negative ATK results, while their friends are now in quarantine.
  17. It's pretty clear that those cheap ATK kits are having problems detecting Omicron.
  18. The question is whether bars will really stop serving alcohol, or simply pretend not to.
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