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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There is so much wrongness in your post, I don't know where to start. Nobody is allowing Omicron to spread. Do you think that major countries like the UK, France and the US have stopped testing?
  2. Research indicates that people with a certain gene containing Neanderthal DNA are more susceptible to Covid infections. This includes Asians and Europeans, but not most Africans. Therefore, the data from South Africa may not be useful in predicting the impact of Omicron outside of Africa.
  3. We get it. You don't like vaccines. But, despite your description of Omicron as the common cold, hospitals in the UK are beginning to fill up with patients ill with Omicron. And deaths from Omicron are rising. BTW, what is your opinion about the vaccine's protection against hospitalization and death?
  4. Really? Let’s see, 13 million diagnosed Covid cases in the UK. Looks like your numbers are off a bit.
  5. Yep, Pfizer and Moderna protect well, even with Omicron. What are the protection levels for the unvaccinated?
  6. The lady with Omicron says she and 3 other ladies from her factory are confined to a room somewhere, not in a hospital. She is not feeling well at all. She claims hospitals in her area are full, but I doubt that.
  7. I am sorry to mention earlier government attempts to control Covid that were quickly abandoned. Nothing like the current situation.
  8. You had to be there to understand. Lots of broke ladies confined to their rooms, looking for fun and money.
  9. The best time I ever had in Pattaya was when bars and restaurants were closed, and there was a curfew.
  10. My story: I had a lady friend over for drinks on 25 December. She is now in quarantine for Covid. I had a lady friend visit me at a pool villa on 27 December. She is now in the hospital for Covid. I guess my 5 vaccinations were effective.
  11. If you tested positive at home with an ATK, stay home for 7 days. If you have symptoms, go hospital. If you tested positive via RT-PCR, you will be taken away.
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