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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Their situation is because the Israeli fled during the first day of Test and Go, whereas these gentlemen did not. They did everything required of them, but the authorities failed to find them 6 days after they came to Thailand.
  2. You don't get it. They followed the rules. If you disagree, please let us know which procedures they violated.
  3. It looks like anti-Vaxxers in Belgium are going to have some protection, if they survive Omicron.
  4. So I am in Istanbul now with a young Thai lady, en route to Brazil. She swears her Thai husband has no problem that she is Going indefinitely with me. Makes me wonder how many ladies married to elderly Farangs have Thai husbands waiting for them.
  5. There are plenty of Covid Deniers. They come in different flavors, though. The flavor of the day seems to be based on the lie that PCR Tests are not accurate, therefore no one ever died of Covid, it's just the flu.
  6. Can you remind us where you obtained your medical degree?
  7. Where were they supposed to wait? I think a lot of people here don't understand how Test and Go works.
  8. They did follow the CCSA regulations. They entered Thailand, went to a testing facility, spent the night in a Bangkok area hotel. Got a negative result, went to Koh Chang. They duly showed up for their day 6 test, and then went about their business, like everyone else. When the authorities discovered positive results, rather than discretely searching the TM-30 files, they went public.
  9. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/testing I am sorry, but the official testing data shows a different story. Perhaps your personal experience is an outlier.
  10. Nope. I haven’t really been out of my condo much in 2022. I am totally innocent of this allegation. Mostly.
  11. Lots of places Test a lot. Like the UK. One approach is true random testing, where a sample of random individuals is taken. This informs the government of the true extent of infection. Positive PCR tests drive hospitalizations which drives deaths. If PCR tests were flawed, this would not be the case. Except for Omicron, it’s early yet, we still don’t know about it’s lethality. so, yeah, Covid Deniers claiming PCR tests are not valid only make sense to the misinformed.
  12. Last year, I traveled the world for 4 months with 2 Thai ladies waiting for Thailand to open. Dubai was nice. True story: a company I founded in my house is building a space station for NASA. Yeah, that was a surprise to me, too.
  13. Thanks. I am a veteran of Brazil, having been there many times, so, yeah, I will be careful.
  14. And yes, there is an excellent correlation between a positive PCR test, and subsequent symptoms. Almost as if PCR tests were accurate. Covid deniers have been criticizing PCR tests since day 1, but don’t have the technical chops to prove their case. Like convince 1 lab to do PCR tests the “right” way. No lab will do that, because they don’t want to issue negative results for people who are subsequently hospitalized.
  15. Of 30 ladies I know who work bar, 25 have tested positive for Covid in the last 10 days.
  16. I plan to stay abroad until Test and Go returns. Or, if Omicron lingers, I will do the Phuket Sandox. it’s summer in South America, so in 2 or 3 months, it will get chilly in some countries and that will drive my decision. Meanwhile, my PCR test came back negative, so I am off to Copacabana tonight.
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