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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The problem is that Thailand has tens of millions of unvaccinated, all of whom may suffer greatly from Omicron infection.
  2. You are going to risk your life by refusing to vaccinate because you read something on Facebook?
  3. Because to support your crazy position, you must post misinformation. Posting misinformation during an epidemic should be criminal.
  4. Okay, so you are not a Covid Denier, but instead are an anti-vaxxer. You should check out the Herman Cain Award: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/ plenty of people there who spouted the same nonsense as you, before they died of Covid.
  5. The troll part comes from attempting to disguise your Covid Denier role by just asking questions. Just lay out your position, don’t try to camouflage it.
  6. How do you explain young, healthy people dying from Covid?
  7. I hope you are right. i also hope Omicron goes away more quickly.
  8. The term you are grasping for is “excess mortality “. As for your last point, it’s a tired old cliche which has been explained here repeatedly.
  9. Ditto here. Vaccination seems to be effective in preventing Omicron symptoms.
  10. Hospitals in the US are at historically high levels of admissions. This does not support your premise.
  11. The numbers you posted showed Omicron being one fourth as lethal as Delta., in the US.
  12. The virus doesn't care how it is categorized. It will attempt to infect so many people that hospitals are filled. Once that happens, we are back to square one.
  13. Okay, I will use these numbers instead: four times as infectious, and a fourth as lethal. Same same.
  14. You must have a high opinion of yourself, compared with your opinion of the world's leading medical researchers. Can you remind me where you obtained your medical degree?
  15. If 300 die in an airplane crash, do you reflect on how many other people died that day from something else?
  16. If no hab money, go to Thai room with 3 other people for 2 weeks. Food not good.
  17. Clearly, math is not your strong suit. If hospitals in Thailand fill up again, there will be a government response. You can't debate that away. Either Omicron will fill the hospitals, or it won't. If the hospitals are empty, then the epidemic will end shortly.
  18. If Omicron is a tenth as lethal, but 10 times more infectious, you think that’s a good thing.
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