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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Left that brought America Social Security, unemployment insurance, Medicare, Obamacare, the 1964 Civil Rights Act? That Left? Compared to the Right, that has provided tax cuts for billionaires.
  2. Kamala Harris officially becomes the first Black woman to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee In other words, you can't defend Trump's claim he didn't know Kamala Harris is Black. Maybe he slept through the 2020 Democratic convention.
  3. Yeah, it's kind of weird that it has been very popular lately to call Trump "weird". Maybe it's his rants about Hannibal Lechter.
  4. You have zero proof that Kamala Harris has switched ethnicities. More to the point, Trump claimed he only recently found out she was Black. If you believe Trump about that, you are very gullible. Do you?
  5. Got any proof that large numbers of illegals are voting in US national elections? I didn't think so. Since you have no proof, you can't make an overt claim, all you can do is post implications.
  6. Trump will surely last until November, barring some major medical problem.
  7. My opinion is that Harris indeed will peak in the polls after the convention. Whether her lead will hold up or not depends on what scandals the Trump team can uncover. It's hard to believe that anything new on Trump will emerge. Perhaps a hearing on his January 6 indictment might hurt him. And his sentencing for his 34 felonies. More likely is something on JD Vance.
  8. You are very happy inventing fantasies to post here. A rational poster would back up their assertion with facts proving that large numbers of the dead voted for Biden in 2020. A troll would post a lie and then run. Up to you if you want people to think you are a troll. Even worse is responding without facts and with insults. Then people would think you are a nut.
  9. Shapiro seems to have peaked too soon, allowing all aspects of his career to be picked apart. Walz was drafting behind him, and now may overtake him.
  10. "most normal". You are couching your words very careful. I guess you think that investigating dolphin sex is normal.
  11. I am not claiming that polls taken now are predictive of the results in November. Polls taken after Labor Day *are* very predictive. For our Russian friends here, Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
  12. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Our MAGA friends may not be posting any more polls during this election.
  13. Live by the poll, die by the poll: https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-harris You will note that Trump only leads in the older polls.
  14. You have become an expert on racial classification. I guarantee you that if Kamala Harris has been born in the South in the 1950s, she would have been sent to a Black segregated school.
  15. Your Russian friends are certainly sending you plenty of talking points.
  16. Yes. If Trump were to cover up his adultery using campaign funds, that would have been legal. If, however, he had mislabeled the expense, that may have been a violation. Trump was so worried about the story getting out before the election, he conspired to suppress the story by having his lawyer claim that the payment was for legal expenses. Since Trump personally paid, that was a crime.
  17. If adultery is disqualifying, Trump, who committed adultery with all of his wives, can't win.
  18. Why would migrants have Social Security numbers?
  19. So, we are back to race-baiting.
  20. So, you're okay with Trump cheating on all of his wives?
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