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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Kamala Harris officially becomes the first Black woman to be a major party's vice presidential nominee This was news from 2020. Question for the Trumpers: did you really miss all the hype in 2020 about Kamala Harris being the first Black VP? If so, the issue isn't Kamala Harris, it's your memory.
  2. I am quoting Trump here: "I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black" Here is what the Trump campaign said in 2020: "I'll note that Kamala Harris is a Black woman and he donated to her campaign," Trump campaign senior adviser Katrina Pierson said Tuesday in a call with reporters. "So I hope we can squash this racism argument." So, really what this discussion is about is Trump's memory failure. He donated to Kamala Harris knowing she was Black, and then forgot. You Trumpers are trying to defend Trump with convoluted theories about race, when this is about Trump having a brain fade. For the record, when I voted for her back in the day in California, I didn't know she was Indian, she was the first Black California senator, IIRC.
  3. Says the guy with the username "Susan".
  4. Are you suggesting that President Franklin D Roosevelt was pro-Nazi? Are you drunk?
  5. Kamala Harris attended Howard University and joined a Black sorority. She was a member of the Black Congressional Caucus. You are just inventing stuff now. Why would you do that? Do you feel good posting lies here?
  6. Wow. Kamala Harris supports reparations for Jamaican Blacks? I didn't know that.
  7. You're weird. Typecasting people by race went out with slavery and the Nazis.
  8. You got conned by Trump, and made a really ignorant post. Kamala Harris is of Indian ethnicity, and is Black. Do you disagree?
  9. You seem oblivious to the truth. Kamala Harris was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
  10. Old white man tells Black journalists that a Black woman isn't Black. The sad thing is how many Trumpers here believed him.
  11. Trump's campaign is in a death spiral. Absent a black swan event, Kamala Harris is likely to get 90%+ of the Black vote. The big question is turnout of the youth vote. The Dem GOTV operation is the biggest ever created, hopefully GOTV is going to swamp Trump.
  12. Any Trumpers here still believe that Kamala Harris isn't Black? If you do, did you believe Rudy Giuliani's lies about the 2020 election? Did you believe Trump's lies about Obama's birth certificate? How times will you believe MAGA lies?
  13. Watch and learn. You'll probably have to change your username soon.
  14. This may be the last time in this election that you post a national poll.
  15. Harris and Trump are tied in 538's new polling averages "our average of national polls says Harris has the support of 45.0 percent of voters, while Trump garners 43.5 percent." The weird old guy is dropping in the polls.
  16. I live in Pattaya. Next month, I will fly to the US to hand in my absentee ballot request. Yes, my US residence is in a swing state.
  17. Rasmussen, a Republican pollster, has Kamala Harris up 5 points over the weird guy.
  18. It sounds like you are compiling the list of reasons why Trump will lose. All of the momentum is behind Kamala Harris now. Trump looks like a weird old man. The Republicans really need a new ticket, both the Presidential nominee and the VP candidate are sucking wind.
  19. You really believe the Italian Fascists were leftists?
  20. I would give Kamala Harris today a 51% chance of winning in November. However, I suspect that the Democrats are going to bulldoze Trump with their campaign. There are hundreds of Harris campaign offices in swing states, whereas Trump has few or none. 100s of 1000s of volunteers, whereas the 2020 Biden campaign didn't ring doorbells because of COVID. The Harris ground game may be worth a point or two. If she goes with Shapiro for VP, that's Pennsylvania in her pocket. She's already way up in Michigan, that leaves Wisconsin as the real swing state. I suspect that Trump is going to have to expend resources to defend North Carolina *and* Florida. That's going to hurt his campaign.
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