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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I am not claiming that polls taken now are predictive of the results in November. Polls taken after Labor Day *are* very predictive. For our Russian friends here, Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
  2. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Our MAGA friends may not be posting any more polls during this election.
  3. Live by the poll, die by the poll: https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-harris You will note that Trump only leads in the older polls.
  4. You have become an expert on racial classification. I guarantee you that if Kamala Harris has been born in the South in the 1950s, she would have been sent to a Black segregated school.
  5. Your Russian friends are certainly sending you plenty of talking points.
  6. Yes. If Trump were to cover up his adultery using campaign funds, that would have been legal. If, however, he had mislabeled the expense, that may have been a violation. Trump was so worried about the story getting out before the election, he conspired to suppress the story by having his lawyer claim that the payment was for legal expenses. Since Trump personally paid, that was a crime.
  7. If adultery is disqualifying, Trump, who committed adultery with all of his wives, can't win.
  8. Why would migrants have Social Security numbers?
  9. So, we are back to race-baiting.
  10. So, you're okay with Trump cheating on all of his wives?
  11. Does fooling around while married disqualify a candidate?
  12. Trump knew that Kamala Harris is Black a long time ago. Then, he forgot. Trump forgets a lot of stuff, I guess he is getting old.
  13. And Trump was the pampered son of a real estate developer. He certainly doesn't share much in common with you. So, what's your point?
  14. Members of Congress only have immunity for speech. Judges do not have immunity.
  15. So, President Kamala Harris will have immunity for official acts.
  16. The concept of being biracial eludes you. About 10% of voters are biracial. The longer Trump and his minions continue with insulting biracial people, the more votes Trump will lose. Please proceed.
  17. Trump has conned you. Kamala Harris has always stated that she is Black. Trump knows that, but he is gaslighting you.
  18. Wow. How low can you go? You are one sick puppy.
  19. At least she isn't going to cut Social Security. Or be a dictator from day 1. I'm listening to her Atlanta speech, she is talking the way she always does. I think you shouldn't repeat talking points without checking them out first.
  20. At least she isn't going to cut Social Security. Or be a dictator from day 1. I'm listening to her Atlanta speech, she is talking the way she always does. I think you shouldn't repeat talking points without checking them out first.
  21. Are you truly unaware that Kamala Harris has always stated that she is Black *and* she is Indian? No, Trump *was* lying, since he has always known she was Black. But tell you what, give us an extended time frame when she denied she was Black. We'll wait for you to do your own research.
  22. Says the guy who changes his username every month.
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