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Everything posted by Sqoop

  1. The idea of chopped omelette in chicken stew sounds good
  2. We now live in an idiocracy. It's Darwins theory in reverse, the crazies out breed the sane.
  3. He did not burn his house, it belongs to his wife.
  4. I lived in Arcadia continental for a year. The swimming pools were great but the size of the tiny condo was a problem in the long term. I think that Arcadia Continental has more facilities than Arcadia Beach. But when tourism picked up it became clogged with holiday renters. I didn't think that the location was an issue.
  5. So many of the women here be it bar workers, freelance or normal girls try to fleece foreign men. They are clever, starting with small amounts. As soon as they try you must just dump them.
  6. My thoughts exactly.. calm seas. And how will this energy be stored and transported at massive scale ?
  7. I know it's low season but where are all these tourists ? Maybe pattaya is busier but jom tien is quiet.
  8. I wrote three books in the IT space. Never made any real money doing it. I arranged contracts first then each book took a year. The second was modestly successful the other two sank like stones. Its good for making contacts though.
  9. I visited Central this week and noticed that all the pavement shops were gone. Is there a new city policy ? Just interested.
  10. I took a bolt the other day from big c, booked the car. Received an email regarding a new make and registration to be picked up in. Just saying ...
  11. I went to both jomtien and Pattaya today, its very quiet. Was about mid day.
  12. An air rifle, lead pellets, patience = pigeon pie
  13. The win taxi riders are fine until you find one that is a nutter. I shopped in Central last week and used the first win setup on the left on beach road. I always give the destination, jom tien, then ask the price. They said 100 baht, I agreed but then they grumbled and said tuk Mark. (too cheap) the rider then took off like a maniac. Almost threw me off the back of the bike. These guys are fine until they have some mad grievance and then they are crazy. I stopped the ride early with no tip.
  14. No no nothing like that. Just a woman I know that sends automated messages every two days at the same time. "Hi How are you". I want to troll her for a laugh and set up the same automation. But wasn't sure how.
  15. I just have a general question because I am curious. I have a line contact who seems to send me automated hello messages periodically. I had a brief look at line configuration and could not determine how this could be set up. Anyone know how ?
  16. Find a good Australian lawyer in the correct field, pay a fee and take sound legal advice. Act quickly.
  17. And often when they have had two many partners they can no longer pair bond. They find it hard to reach orgasm no matter what you do for them. Find a sweet girl who really get excited in bed. Heaven.
  18. You might get them out of the bar and obtain a sweet and attentive partner. The problem will arise when you take them to a western country and they befriend local feminists. After a decade or two you could have a partner who is bad tempered and self entitled. Keep them in Thailand ...
  19. And what type of digital ccy is this ? Thai Baht or a chance to bring in a Thai CBDC ?
  20. Also agents seem to have business relationships and understanding with specific branches. So I think that your experience will be different between branches and agents.
  21. Some of these language based models have been trained on code to teach them logic apparently. Once these larger systems like ChatGPT reach 10^12 parameters they will be comparable in size to human brains. Although, arguably, with less connective complexity.
  22. Seven seas was mentioned above. I've used them before for work when moving country. Not cheap but they deliver boxes or crates, you can pack and they handle everything
  23. It's a crazy idea, it's not just data but debt held by lenders. What happens to the stability of the banking sector if debt obligations are negated ? At a time of financial turmoil these institutions could become insolvent and then bail in laws would have to be used.
  24. I was a developer on a big data smart cities project in wellington a few years ago. I don't see how it benefits the people because it is mainly about monitoring and data gathering. People, vehicles, crime, electric vehicles, parking, roads. For instance highly accurate people counting cameras enclose a space so real time crowd monitoring is possible. Add mach address monitoring and to that you can monitor people moving from space to space. Then add economic models ( for events ) which many western cities seem to have. Then city income , from say an event, can be estimated in real time.
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