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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. As long as your licence has a photo, details are in English, you can drive in OZ with it as a tourist.
  2. They had the red roses ready to give. How did they know the result was going to be in their favor? Hmmmm
  3. The issues I’ve heard about viagra relate to not swallowing it properly leading to stiff necks and thieving ending up with police looking for hardened criminals. No overdose stories.
  4. Unacceptable behavior. But also what’s a 16year old doing after midnight out and about?
  5. Fools. How do these underage top players get there?
  6. Noticing too many pop up ads when scrolling down. Some are too intrusive requiring you to close them before continuing. It’s understandable ads are part of the business but beyond certain point they can be annoying and a turnoff.
  7. There are more superior cat food at lower prices online. Have a look at Performa3 on Shopee/Lazada
  8. Surely there are lots of nice people on AN living there who can do it for free. If you were near BKK you’d be welcomed to leave it at my house for free. Come on guys show him some love!
  9. Where is this go go bar Sanctuary of Truth? Not walking street unless I missed it.
  10. I guess it does depend on where you live like most countries. Specifics aside it is a matter of right vs wrong.
  11. How about offering to wash his car too. Jesus, stand up to your rights and deal with it like a man. You’d get respected by him even at the cost of making him lose face a bit.
  12. What nonsense about Thais being non-confrontational. Maybe for little things but in this case my wife would’ve approached the guy in a polite way. You are on the right track in wanting to do something about it. Your wife, respectfully, needs to grow a pair.
  13. Til death do us apart…twice.
  14. He is how I would imagine a British pedo teacher would look like.
  15. Condolences. Stay strong, may she rest in peace.
  16. Read the fine print. Over a minute can be one minute and one second or 10 mins or more!
  17. There’s your lottery numbers. Thanks Mr monk.
  18. Silly thing to do really.
  19. Yeah rub it in why don’t you? 🤣🤣🤣
  20. She’s only 10. You have no idea how she’ll turn out as a teenager with no father figure and a not so good mother. I wouldn’t do anything if I were you. If you want to support her after you pass liquidate all your assets in Thailand, send the money back home, rent here, ask a family member back home to send her money provided she’s doing the right thing. Young Thai girl with no father and a nutcase of a mother having access to plenty of funds is a big target for vultures. Your thoughts are admirable but be careful that it may backfire on her.
  21. Update guys-I’m still in hospital receiving antibiotics. The two hotties been coming in with the same offer. But the damn wife (god love her) has decided to stay with me all along. Is it because she loves me or wants to make sure I don’t receive extra-marital joy. One never knows.
  22. Unfortunately it was real. 😭😭😭😭
  23. Recovering from high fever (40+) in hospital since last night. Early this morning the two gorgeous nurses in tight clothing returned prepared to give me a rub down/shower. What did I say “oh that’s fine, I’m feeling better this morning, I think I can manage to shower by myself”. As the fever subsides and getting back to normal, somehow Cher’s famous song comes to mind. Stupid stupid stupid farang, I say. Apologies to all red blooded males who fantasize about this kind of stuff. I let us all down. 🥺🥺🥺
  24. Yeah but what about the “Safety First” sign. They have them posted everywhere there. Isn’t that enough!
  25. Joe Ferrari police station. Taken over the boss, but stopped paying the boss, the boss threw him under the bus.
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