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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. This guy must spend all day thinking about what he can write about on this forum. Often nonsense 😂😂😂😂
  2. If he wishes to be the hero of RTP rooting out bad guys he must first ensure he’s not doing anything wrong. If he is, it means he’s either dumb or just arrogant, or perhaps a typical Thai with no foresight and doing things with little consideration of what happens next.
  3. That’s a separate matter. I sell food related products and had to go through steps to register, validate claims etc and pay the fees. These guys by-pass the steps and deserve any punishment they get. Regarding toxic ingredients Thai FDA copies pretty much everything from US and European FDA. Every ingredient used must be on the approved list.
  4. All vehicles will have a “brake failure” meaning it can’t stop in time on this occasion.
  5. It’s plausible to assume pressure comes from local criminals whose livelihood is adversely affected by foreigners. Since the officials are connected and benefit from local criminals they have to act otherwise they’ll risk being exposed. Criminals pay protection money and form business partnership with them so that they can influence them as well not because they’re hunsom!
  6. It saddens me to realise America is on a downhill spiral when a person like him with proven criminal charges is popular enough to become president again.
  7. No sympathy for arrogant/ignorant/dumb farangs who think they can make money in an illegal profession heavily involved local police in cahoots with criminal entities.
  8. I encounter various shop attendees who are quick at responding “mai mee”. Work ethics is fairly poor in Thailand especially if dealing with employees and not the owners. Some even can’t detach one eye from social media stuff they’re looking at while trying to serve you.
  9. It is not just trees and farangs. My in laws have rice, fish farm, pigs. Occasionally they mention fish or pigs missing. It’s in their nature to help themselves when necessity arises.
  10. At my local plaza there are two big bike parking lots, one up to 400cc and another 500cc+. My bike was a cbr500r which is mid 400cc’s. Technically I wasn’t allowed to park in any of them. So I bought a 600cc+ and don’t feel bad parking in there 😂😂😂
  11. So cute when farangs pull the innocent until blah blah blah or legal system etc cards. Don’t we wish if it were true.
  12. Sadly Thailand deserves the leadership it has. Openly admitting tourism takes priority over health says it all. At least in developed corrupt countries the leaders do not openly admit it.
  13. Befriending a female has the potential to yield benefits for a straight male.
  14. So he’ll decide whether the summons is legit or not. 😂😂😂😂
  15. Brown envelopes can’t be delivered via zoom either.
  16. Typical Thai mentality. Want quick results with minimum effort. I’ll risk my life and life of others if I can be one car closer to the red light.
  17. If it’s a hit and run one can assume the driver is at large. Question: how did they know he was German?
  18. If you’re worth spying on you should then know what to do (or not to do) where and when.
  19. What nonsense entertainment being the major focus and gambling a small part. Thais with their lack of foresight are prime candidates for casinos. Put it all on Black, this month’s rent, borrowed money and so on. What do you do after you lose it all? This part is not thought of.
  20. I think you’re over dramatizing. Illegal workers clearly know (or must know) that it is against the law. Expats who follow the rules tend not have as many problems or be questioned by the authorities.
  21. What he did was clearly wrong. There are moments when a human being blows a fuse. We’ve all done regrettable stuff. As a thought experiment just put yourself in his position. In my case I certainly wouldn’t kill him but god knows what else I’d do. How about you?
  22. Street race in BBK at night would result in loss of face. Not for Thailand but for F1 drivers. While Max trying to overtake Lewis in a corner in low light (malfunctioning) navigating a pothole, somchai has found a way to cut through the blocked track on his Honda wave with no lights, his wife holding the baby in the back, manages to zig-zag past Max and Lewis before finding another gap in the fence and leaving the circuit. Commentator: did you see that? Was it a ghost? I hear they exist here. Team Radio: Don’t worry guys. It was a local nothing to be concerned with. This happens here a lot. Toto Wolf: I vant tzhat guy replace Lewis next year. He got ballz?
  23. Confusing post. Your income is 80k per month but you can increase it? How? Interested in a driver or buy a car for 3-4m with that income?
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