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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. See it a lot at home, friends, workmates and out and about. Phone at near zero charge, tires almost flat, electric scooter near zero, mocy being foot-pushed by another towards gas station. What is it with Thais and not planning for the obvious. Just ranting and not expecting serious insight!😂😂😂 (ps-one exception re low phone battery as claimed by the bargirl girlfriend while boyfriend overseas)
  2. They don’t hesitate to snitch on farangs, do they? How many temple regulars such as monks obey the guidelines of Buddha?
  3. I don’t see Safety First banners anywhere. Don’t these people know that these banners save lives and are critical in construction environments? 😂😂😂
  4. Make sure you know the difference between ceramic coating and ceramic waxing.
  5. “20 year old intern” comment says something about the guy. Chip on the shoulder syndrome. He’s knocked back for a reason.
  6. True. It seems farangs are more vocal about this. Get over it. Enjoy your stay in Thailand and don’t worry about their internal politics. These crooked laws are beneficial to farangs who from time to time need to bend the rules.
  7. If you’re not sure what to invest in you’re advised not to invest in anything.
  8. Good news. It was meant for medical use only. Therefore it should not be sold anywhere other than pharmacies with prescription. No advertising, no little shops around tourist areas etc. the fact that these little businesses invested in some illegal activity is no excuse. Close them all.
  9. Proof that majority don’t give a toss is obvious as nothing is being done the populace
  10. Interesting how fatangs’ blood boils over such matters while the majority of Thais consider this a non-issue.
  11. Now I gotta buy her another Chanel bag?😤😤😤
  12. I have a suspicion that some of these stories are made up to boost Pattaya's image.
  13. This guy seems to have been bitten a few times. Hopefully ranting nonsense here will be therapeutic for him.
  14. If you want to have a good life in Thailand it is easier to adapt to their way of life than expecting them to adapt to yours. It won’t happen. they’ll hate you even more if you do not have a ceremonial wedding including sinsod. Thai families prefer their daughters to marry a good Thai man. They will tolerate a farang if he’s a typical one. This means generous and not a tight-ass. They compare farang husbands in the village. Joe Blow bought a house and car etc and the family is better off. But in your case they’ll say “so you let a farang marry your daughter? How much sinsod? He’s building/buying house for family? What? He only gives 2k per month? “ They’ll be the laughing stock of the neighborhood and for that reason they’ll make your life miserable. And if you think your wife will back you against her family you’re dreaming😂😂😂
  15. …and they’ll have an Aussie queen. Oi oi oi!!!!
  16. Go easy. Start with one or two then if you’re lucky in a few years you may have 50. Why would you need that many friends?😂😂😂😂
  17. Nonsense. Agoda is not more expensive than direct booking with hotel, sometimes a little cheaper and on odd occasions a tiny bit more. 50-100% commission my a$$.
  18. So who’s at fault here? The tree, the car, the driver, the rain, or the wind?
  19. 47 bank accounts? wonder why. 😎😎😎
  20. Don’t they know male Thais carry the lazy gene? A good chunk of them become ladyboys so even if the baby is born male there’s no guarantee about his future.
  21. In addition to that our immigration office (Samut Sakhon) also requested certificate of eligibility to get married. So we took the document that we did seven years ago before we got married! Go figure. They said we want to make sure you don’t have another wife. Go figure.
  22. Niet niet niet. Is that clear comrade?
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