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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. I suspect there’s more to it than what we read. Nonetheless, physically assaulting a human being or two is unacceptable.
  2. What’s the reply got to do with my answer? 😂😂😂
  3. What’s that got to do with this story? Me me me?
  4. So is there a question there?
  5. It will be delayed for as long as possible or will not happen at all. The number of high ranking officials who have a hand in illegal casinos will throw everything they have to stop it. Look at what’s happening with the GLO. Despite numerous attempts to modernize it, those who benefit from the status quo have halted any progress. The best they could do was to hand a minuscule number of tickets for online purchase for 80thb.
  6. How many General Admiral Aladeens does Thailand have? They sure like wearing military-esk outfits
  7. How many General Admiral Aladeens does Thailand have?
  8. And the third one? A committee to investigate who was behind chasing big joke and why.
  9. You must live in a poor neighborhood if you got drunks leaning on your gate.
  10. Feel sorry for Thai men. Not only they lack in size they also suffer from performance. Watched a few Thai adult movies. Getting up or keeping it up is rarely achieved 😂😂😂
  11. It is annoying especially when the staff don’t care if the customer is trying to get passed. Worse one is when the isle is blocked off completely with tape while a forklift is in use.
  12. Sounds like the sort of thing Taksin would say. Has the REAL leader spoken?
  13. How can police investigate unless someone complains.
  14. It’s hard to believe this story. There must be more details. If not, oh well.
  15. As children we are dependent on a higher power (parents). As we get older we find it difficult (most people) to shake it off. How about inventing one. While we’re at it let’s not limit its powers. Don’t little kids think their dad is the strongest man in the world or their mum has the solution to every issue?
  16. Blame greedy officials who take bribes from anyone including foreigners who in turn compete with local businesses.
  17. The players need money for dying their hair, Botox, tattoos, spending money on gf/bf and the like. 3m per point? Shouldn’t be hard to raise that much money since they’ll struggle to get one.
  18. Definite wind up. If the fool is keen enough to search social media and investigate foreigners doing business surely he can google Thai immigration phone numbers. He’s probably LOL reading replies on the forum.
  19. Depends on how good looking she is.
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