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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Nice plant. I picked up a seedling from a nursery but after a couple of weeks it died. Can you elaborate on soil type, and caring that you did? Appreciated.
  2. We’re talking about inexperienced children not sick people with nefarious intentions. Accidents at home are not the same as accidents at work which is more complicated and with wider implications.
  3. A bit exaggerated. Not that common. We’re also talking about children caring /handling babies which does not apply in Big C etc situations.
  4. This should also boost mask sales (for locals). Curry is comes out through sweat glands I hear.
  5. He needs to learn how to do murder suicide properly seems he can’t do anything right.
  6. Here’s some. If something happened to the baby while being cared for by students eg, they drop him, he sticks a pen in his eye etc who’d be responsible? Not to mention students look for any excuse to distract themselves from doing class work. Did she have permission from school to bring the baby into classroom?
  7. Gentlemen’s clubs in NYC will be busy.
  8. New committee? As if it is a new matter.
  9. That bike for small trips is ok. There are more serious issues to consider other than a flat tire when it comes to riding in Thailand and at high speed. Safety gear, hospital and death insurance to name a few.
  10. More like a Bangkok Airways executive while surfing online at works or attending an overseas junket came across the idea. Wanting to make a name for himself with no foresight or thought. There are much bigger airlines that are not considering this and there must be a reason for it. Weighing at boarding leaves little time to make adjustments for safety reasons. Another half-baked idea from Thailand that is likely to be scrapped, delayed, modified etc in due course.
  11. You can’t be serious. Millions of flight have taken place so far without this procedure. Seat allocation is done with balancing taken into account. Planes are built to allow for discrepancies in weight distribution to a point. Argueing for the sake arguing?
  12. I bet you don’t know what it means. ????????????. I think the word you’re looking for ‘educated guess’.
  13. Seems you live in your own world. You can pretend to be legally married and pretend calling people peasants is fine.
  14. Sure I get the moderation bit. It will depend on individual cases. But remember the starch bit that gets converted to sugar is the main issue. Both white and wholemeal have plenty of it. Best to keep it to absolute minimum. Starch is notorious for raising insulin, worse than table sugar.
  15. Good for you. Was just responding to your “registering” thing. Don’t confuse acceptance by family with lawful recognition. You won’t win sympathy by labeling Thais peasants. If that’s what you think of them better get back to where you came from is what they’ll say you, the peasants that is.
  16. For heaven’s sake get her a car.
  17. Village elders will officiate anything you wish if you pay them. It’s not worth anything.
  18. As a diabetic you should avoid all breads.
  19. Cons- stolen and sold in market, hacked for playing games, broken and can’t be fixed. Pros- will update later
  20. If it was harmful it would be banned. Potassium cyanide has 40% cyanide content and synthetic vitamin b12 has just under 2% cyanide content. The cyanide molecule in potassium cyanide is more reactive than in b12. So unless you consume spoonfuls of pure vitamin b12 daily you’d be fine. The pollutants in the air in Thailand are more toxic.
  21. Say what you like but circumventing the process of obtaining a license to operate is not fair to those who do.
  22. Reading the heading first thought was it can’t be male.
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