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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Rest assured most 4cyl bikes can do that. Mine is around 270km/hr.
  2. No real difference between 650 and 4cyl in body size. That’s where the similarities end though!
  3. It’s time to upgrade your bike. You know you want to. Go up to 4cyl. You won’t look back!!!!
  4. 40 transactions assuming he got lucky for each transaction equals 175k per nookie. Overpaid by a factor of 100. What does a regular at a furniture shop do? Perhaps Christened every pice of furniture. I don’t know.
  5. Did I say sex? Why can’t a Good Samaritan do what he does best. Then again one cannot predict what might happen if one wishes to return one’s good deed in whichever way one wishes to do so.
  6. I’d be happy to provide her some private sessions advising her on her options etc.
  7. 0 score from me. It is banned in my household. Well except when we have guests over, or when the wife feels like it.
  8. When it comes to matters relating to motor vehicles it seems to bring out something terrible from the usually polite, respectful smiling Thais. From cutting in front of cars, tail-gating, parking anywhere with no consideration to others (thinking putting hazard lights is adequate), hit and runs, to not letting you in when changing lanes.
  9. Got fired usually means you’re no longer working. Nevertheless it should not matter as tourist visa requirements are different to Non B’s PS-we don’t have vacancies at my business.
  10. I’d say it is to verify your application where you state where you live, your wife etc. At immigration you’d need a witness who can vouch for you and wife. At the interview at home you need to have one of your neighbors to come in and vouch for you. This cannot be the same person that accompanied you to immigration.
  11. On the work permit it specifies the company name, job title and in the application it specifies the task and the reason for employment. I think (not sure) that you can’t obtain a work permit for yourself relating to bakery or other forms of work that are reserved for Thais.
  12. Ed, full marks to you for getting it 100% right.
  13. Fair enough except it wasn’t about the cost or teaching her a lesson. She took a risk and it backfired on her. Had she charged the rate we normally get the numerous times we’ve been there I would’ve given the bananas back and not ask for refund. I understand a lot of people like to rant which is understandable and I’ve been guilty of it too. Nonetheless it’s been fun.
  14. I get what you’re saying and agree. I usually handout money and big tips with wife complaining “why too much?” It was her demeanor, the semi-aggressive and entitled attitude that got under my skin. I felt targeted and taken advantage of. Desperate and needy people don’t behave like this (usually).
  15. She was selling them inside the temple’s boundary. It’s part of their income. If the monkeys were moved 10mins away there could be a sign indicating that. She would have moved the kart near the monkeys. This is common practice elsewhere. But 1) she was too lazy to move 2) charging ridiculously more this time 3) all monkeys are tattooed and vet checked so not wild or random. usually we see a few people nearby. This time it was only us indicating others not being bothered because they couldn’t see them in the vicinity. She saw us as suckers and perhaps charging extra would compensate the lack business. Why me?
  16. I wish I was a cheapskate. I’d own 4 houses instead of two. Lol My wife keeps hassling about spending too much.
  17. Geez so many questions. Let me try: rescind-you buy a ticket to watch a movie in a cinema. Go inside the theater but no movie showing. own food-can and do so sometimes. On a bike it’s less convenient. Also helping out the temple. why feed monkeys?-they are one of the main attractions of the temple. They care for them and visitors support them. hope you learned something. Nothing wrong with feeding stray dogs although the analogy is not relevant here. It’s called helping.
  18. I did. Not because of money as explained. The bad taste she left in my mouth almost forcing me to take her offer rather than giving me what I wanted in the first place. Im sure she wouldn’t do that to the locals. The moral of the story was why should we take <deleted> from the locals because they think they can get away with it. She EXPECTED compliance and acceptance from me. Not this time!!!
  19. This time the Thai wife did not join us on a feeding-the-monkeys trip to the temple. The boy excited, he ran to the kart to collect the usual small basket of over-ripened bananas. As I approached, the old lady put 4 on the counter…200thb. I said only one please. She insisted. I said one. Took two away, 100thb. One please, I said. Begrudgingly she took one away…50thb. (Usually we pay 20 per basket, wife leading the way of course). Understanding the farang price routine, I handed her 3x20. She put two extra rotten bananas in the basket…60thb. That’s ok, I said. The monkeys were nowhere to be seen. Usually hundreds playing around near the temple and near the banana kart. We walked 5 mins…no monkeys. I said to the boy looks like the monkeys have been moved son…sorry. He understood, we walked back to the monkey lady (ML)…no monkeys. She replied yes have monkeys just keep walking. No way I said. Here’s your basket (intact)…give me the 60. She insisted that we walk further hesitating to refund. It was a hot day, did not want to walk too far. Out comes the phone, Line video to wife, handed the phone to ML, two mins later, 60thb back in my pocket we went back to the car park stopping briefly at the temple placed the 20x3 in the donation box. We got on the bike rode past her, the evil eye staring at us. Along the route further down (about 10mins walk from ML) we saw some monkeys. The boy got excited… but no bananas. I’m not going back to her…no way. I did a U-turn riding back, passed ML, stopped at the food market near the temple. Big bunches of nice looking bananas 20thb…yes I said. Grabbed a bunch (more bananas than in a basket from ML). Rode back passing ML. Had a feeling she realized what we were up to… hope she did!!! Obviously it’s not about the money. In fact if the ML had told me a BS story such as her husband is sick etc I probably would have bought the 4 basket for 200. All in all it turned out to be a fun father-son trip. He fed the monkeys, I got a kick out of the ML interaction, mum got a couple of hours of me-time and a good laugh re what happened after ML video chat. Sometimes we win…well let’s say don’t lose!!!
  20. I did this last month. Employer cancelled my work permit and my nonB with a Void stamp on it. They issued a 7-day stay stamp. We then went to immigration and applied for Non O. They issued a 30-day stay stamp. A week later Immigration visited our home for the interview. Two weeks later my one year Non O was issued.
  21. It appears the host is Orongo. It’s a Canadian company. The software I bought Webcreator Pro offers hosting services. It appears they pass it on to Orongo. They’ve sent me the manual set up procedures which I’ve followed. Sending email out is fine but receiving is not happening. Having said that I get other emails from subscriptions such as lazada, air Asia etc.
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