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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Most likely it was mixed with a cheap material and sold as pure stuff.
  2. Being asked to attend a bank and sign whatever must be related to the loan. That part is clear. Not sure whether he signed as a guarantor or whatever else. One would think the signature on the loan holds value to the bank in case they need to chase someone.
  3. Went to see Opennheimer today. Was getting ready to stand up prior to moving starting when the song came. There were a few Thai school kids among the audience. Nobody stood up despite the writing on the screen asked it. Looked around, nobody stood up. A few years back everybody stood up. Times are a changing it seems. PS. I didn’t stand up, when in Rome policy was adopted. The movie btw was ok (expected more with the caliber of actors) , a bit convoluted and 3 hrs.
  4. Me thinks if she doesn’t pay tax she’s not entitled to government intervention. Never heard of employee paying employer for their absence except in “bar fine” style operations. Are you sure she only does massages and gets 120 per hour?
  5. I really can’t remember where I got it from. Long time ago. This is the actual bottle.
  6. What’s the male equivalent of a Prickteaser”? I think you’re that. ????????????
  7. I use Roundup. Buy in most places that sell gardening stuff.
  8. That’s what they told the senate, told the wife they went to work, stayed with Mia Noi.
  9. Would you argue with a sugar producer that there are health hazards associated with consuming sugar? If you do, you’re likely to hit a brick wall. You’ll be in constant conflict if you think like this all the time. Hope you don’t. Life is too short. Enjoy the offerings at the bar, just don’t overdo the candies on offer.
  10. Nazis tried that with Jewish businesses. Didn’t end well for them. As much as most people dislike the those senators, it is law. Change the law and do it the right way.
  11. A Thai with political heritage changing his mind? So uncharacteristic!!!!!
  12. Udin evaded capture. Does Udin in Pakistani translate to Houdini by any chance? Just curious.
  13. Catch me if you can!!!
  14. “Dr Wasan nevertheless assured that Thailand is ready to respond to health threats, such as by utilizing clinical metagenomics technology todetect infectious diseases of unknown origins.” Another verbal diarrhea by a Thai academic. Detecting is one thing responding is another. Tell us what the response is fool. Just likes using big words and showing off his toys.
  15. Not necessarily. I sell on Lazada/Shopee. You never rest assured when buying something online. As clever as they are, scammers find a way!!! Sellers qualify for and need to pay extra to gain labels such as Lazada Mall etc. new sellers can’t qualify for a while which has nothing to do with whether they sell fake or genuine stuff.
  16. How did the wifebeater got into typical farang stereotype. Maybe op speaks of himself. Dumb post anyways????????
  17. Clearly he was up to no good. Underworld has its own way of handling disputes. Next?
  18. It would be near impossible for a massage shop to operate without local police involvement at the start. It seems like a territorial dispute between different police groups. To settle disputes they use such acts to demonstrate their power.
  19. They tried to shake him down thinking crypto=money for them. They scared him to facilitate a bigger payout. Maybe he refused or didn’t have money
  20. Also find out import/export regulations regarding items you plan to sell. As you’ll be generating income in Thailand you maybe liable to pay tax and need to register a company and things associated with that. Unless there’s something unique about the product you plan to sell or you have a better way to ship it, you may find there are businesses that have been doing this for years and you’ll be competing with them. Can you beat them?
  21. It depends. If you plant something valuable you need to make sure it is secured or they’ll steal it. If locals know a farang is running the show they’ll look at ways to sabotage it. My father in law is a rice farmer in issan and I’ve spoken to him about doing something different. Although he visits the farm regularly he’s conscious of possible theft. If you live on the farm it may be ok otherwise maybe risky.
  22. Military and police get extra pay for working in a “dangerous” zone. Peace means losing money. Whenever things go quiet they instigate a shooting or a burning etc to justify this extra pay. Have you heard the military/police ever come up with a plan to de-escalate?
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