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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Passport and Thai drivers license didn’t help.
  2. Went to the bank to cash the winning lottery ticket. Sorry you cannot claim, only Thai people can. Just another pointless rant?
  3. His attitude echoes typical Russian soldier. No balls to stand up to a tyrant.
  4. What brand of assassinator they use to detect.
  5. There’s a chance that a farang may offer them something during the official visit. So why not take a chance, they may think. Remember officials are trained to sniff Bahts.
  6. Unless one of them didn’t stick with the sharing arrangement. 1000thb between 5 of them is 12mins each with the girl. Don’t pull out at the 12th minute there could be a problem. And if you’re done in 2mins which is common for those guys you can’t have another go. But Ranjid wanted it again.
  7. Lazy police. Rental places interact with customers at the point of pick up and drop off where pretty much makes everyone look the same. It’s their behavior that is problematic which is police’s responsibility.
  8. What does correction involve in this case? Add 3cm to shorter leg or cut 3cm from the longer leg. Just curious!
  9. Wonder how many business deals were discussed directly with Mafia bosses operating in pattaya.
  10. Thailand is one of very few places where men pull their vehicles to the side of the road and just go with cars passing. Very backwards. Monkeys find it offensive. That’s progress.
  11. The root cause here is lawlessness with respect to road rules. Thais don’t generally care, police generally don’t care, so why do you expect tourists to care? Land of the band-aid solutions.
  12. I think we need to stop using the term democracy. It’s about money. They get in as they do with government jobs, police, military etc with a sole purpose of enriching themselves via corruption.
  13. I prefer showering every time I go out wearing a fresh shirt each time. No need for deodorant. Nothing worse than passing a sweaty tourist wearing a 100B fake designer shirt he bought 2 days ago, still wearing it, uses loads of deodorant to mask the smell of new shirt chemical and BO. The combo is like a wmd (weapon of mass deterrent). One reason Thais don’t like non-Thais, many of my Thai friends here often talk about it.
  14. Gutless cowards. If you’re not happy about putin’s rule grow a pair and toss him out. Otherwise do what he says and fight. Running away from your obligation is cowardly.
  15. They sure like using big words. Fruits of junkets to developed nations as part of learning programs. When it comes to implementation step they run out of juice like many other initiatives.
  16. It’s about self pride which is not a common value in most Asian countries. It’s about having something and how you get it is not important.
  17. Why do we not hear tourists in other parts of the world behave this way? Because they see lawlessness in particular driving related. Xenophobic of Thai police to target tourists for driving stupidity when their own people to exactly the same.
  18. It was a paid advertisement. Could’ve made it more authentic and believable.
  19. The only time I can see an issue is when passport is checked against something created using Thai Id or Thai bank. For example purchased airline ticket using Thai Id/bank so the name on boarding pass not matching oz passport. I recommend amending it just to be sure to be sure????????????
  20. Concerned citizens reported him? Hard to know if someone is dealing unless you’re in the game too.
  21. Well apparently boob is a 1 and baby is a 1. I suppose if there were two babies each sucking on a boob the numbers would be 22. Then again What do I know about Thai traditions????????
  22. Way to go. Transport during holiday when there are more police. No number plate to draw more attention. ????????????
  23. That’s the kind of thing I was expecting and articulated it to them. Their reply was it is their company policy. They contacted us about payments a couple of times so they can set up a meeting to discuss details. Money first in my opinion is not a good way to start a working relationship. Well they lost our business but I don’t think they learn anything from it. Thai tunnel vision mentality with little foresight is something I encounter here too often.
  24. I see your point. I did offer some payment upfront. The issue is they may be less committed to work hard if they’ve already been paid full in advance. I’ve heard many stories about contractors getting paid in advance and not showing up as agreed. “My mother is sick I can’t come in this week” etc. I told them I’m going with another company. It didn’t phase the guy.
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