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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Hitting the person with his car. Physical violence is bred into them.
  2. Why don’t you come out and say what you really want to say.
  3. Of course it’s your experience if you’re dealing with ladyboys doing the streets in red light districts. It’s not confusing to ladyboys and to the contrary very clear to them that this is who they are and we should respect them for that. I’ll stop there and won’t get into the criminal accusations. This is not too dissimilar to a saying that all Thai women are prostitutes because you’ve been hanging around bars in pattaya.
  4. If you find being called Mr disrespectful you got issues.
  5. Not a brake failure. More like the bus not allowing adequate space for braking. Some idiot bus drivers think they’re driving a racing car.
  6. We can assume anything we want on a public forum. This isn’t Na!!! Germany. Share details? ????????????????????????????????????
  7. There’s a UFO documentary now on Netflix. Quite interesting. One hypothesis is UFOs monitoring important sites such as nuclear facilities especially weapons making sure we don’t blow ourselves and the planet. Now back to this guy. Perhaps he’s inspired by the show. But why would they bother visiting KonKean? Issan food?
  8. I’ve had a few done. It’s fairly simple. The more expensive they are the better quality in terms of aesthetics and durability. It’s worth to pay a bit more.
  9. Any man needing outside help to find a woman surely has a few undesirable traits. Here’s one : referring to one’s self in the third person. Did you spot any more?
  10. Some people are asleep at 3am. Anyways I’ve heard a few stories of involvement in illegal gambling. Don’t be naive ????????????
  11. Correct. Thais are notorious when it comes to overstaying and working illegally. Visa-free is granted after a risk assessment is done. In the case of Thailand it does not pass the test. A relatively poor Thai will seize any opportunity to work for foreign cash to bring back home. I know quite a few in OZ who did this and bought a house or a small business back home. It doesn’t matter to them if they get caught, blacklisted and deported as the reward is worth it. So they’ll stay as long as possible.
  12. Just have it checked out mate. If you believe you’re drinking more than you should there’s got to be a reason. We’re not medical experts just talking stuff.
  13. Some people believe everything written in media. Ask your Thai friends about this guys’ history.
  14. Initially he refused them entry until his people removed all evidence. Ok now you can come in.
  15. Note to self. Pay your bills on time and in full.
  16. Did the zapping leave any marks on her skin? Did it resemble a number? Looking for lottery numbers please.
  17. Most high end places have air conditioning.
  18. Recreational use is illegal but it is perfectly legal to allow shops open up in recreational locations. Lawmakers here have little respect for people’s intelligence maybe because they’re not intelligent or don’t care.
  19. Having completed what needed to be done to secure his innocence he’s now ready to surrender. Wonder how much it cost him.
  20. Can someone explain this. If she’s a tenant and is allocated one parking spot then what does it matter if she leaves it there for however long.
  21. What a bitter person.
  22. It fits well with their general attitude in life. It’s about now. If it looks ok at a glance then that’s all that matters. Paying attention to detail, foresight, planning do not fit well.
  23. It may also be symptoms of diabetes.
  24. Ask the locals. Have you seen a Thai drinking tap water, boiled or not?
  25. Silly man. Would a real police go to the extent of going into another police station to request a favor without handing an envelope first? Some Thais don’t really understand the Thai system.
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