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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Police didn’t report that some cyanide seized from the other lady in custody has gone missing.
  2. This is the first time I got an email reminding me about the 90 day notification. Is this a new thing? I travelled to oz for a couple of weeks returning a week ago. My 90 day clock should begin after my arrival, right? Please advise.
  3. So you don’t like product being sold from other countries illegally and at a lower price? Now you know how Nike, Gucci, Rolex and co feel. Of course the imported products in this case is actually better than yours, unlike the fake designer crap you sell, so a double whammy for you Somchai. ????????????
  4. I think you both missed the point. You’re not the primary target here. They want independent evidence to validate your application.
  5. Budget to built the road was X. The amount Y was siphoned by the authorities. So the contractor built X-Y worth of the road. If we know how long the road was meant to be we can calculate amount stolen.
  6. I meant to say chantaburi not Kamchatkanaburi. My bad
  7. You’re going around circles a bit. He brought in cash into a relationship. It is fair to assume that both used the things his brought cash paid for. For example he buys a car with the money he transferred from os. . It is used as family car for 5 years. Now things are not going well, so he wants to claim the car 100%? Gimme a break!!!
  8. I know what I wrote. The value of women in Thailand decreases with age, as I’m sure you’re well aware”. This alone constitutes sacrifice. Other stuff you mentioned are possibilities too. He’s the one who’s trying to rip his wife off therefore his sacrifices are immaterial fot this argument.
  9. I’m not but it has nothing to do with it, right?
  10. You’re in big Aladeen. It’s Admiral General Aladeen. Expect a visit from his women bodyguards. They’ll first Aladeen you, wait til you’re Aladeened. You should be very Aladeened now for insulting the great Dictator. You need all the Aladeen you can get. Good Aladeen for now.
  11. What was the money brought from abroad used for? If it was used for marital purposes, eg buying a home, appliances etc, in my opinion, it’s fair that she shares in the proceeds. The woman has sacrificed 11 years of her life with the guy and he’s doing his best to minimize her entitlements.
  12. So there is no videos on internet showing people drinking beer?
  13. At least the photos are real. Yet nothing is done about Thai dating apps. Photos misleading, bio misleading-all fake.
  14. What a swell guy. A future mayor. Paying a visit to a construction zone and making comments about it. He needs a vacation, another medal on his chest.
  15. Well considering two of the victims were police officers and nothing was done about their deaths may suggest this guy had something to do with the murders and subsequent handling of cases.
  16. Well you spoke of lack of logic regarding buying multiple tickets. If you can’t see the logic in it one could assume your lack of knowledge wrt risk vs reward-fundamental to gambling.
  17. Inspired by usual ending of Benny Hill Show.
  18. Chinese mafia taking business from Thai mafia. Government connected to Thai mafia more so than Chinese mafia. Thai mafia orders government to do something about it. Thai businesses usually paranoid about foreign competition as seen in all sorts of industries - underworld businesses no exception. disclaimer- a friend told me this.????????????
  19. Public relation major. Hmmmmm. Handy skill to lure victims.
  20. What surprises me is the father going to police instead of …
  21. There must be a reason for 10 warrants that we may not be privy to. She maybe claiming multiple personality disorder in which case the diligent policemen are issuing as many warrants.
  22. I buy my kid at 20thb shop to play with. You can get them with clear lenses, +lenses, or-lenses.
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