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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. you keep missing the point or just wanna push your agenda. Nobody is talking about prices here. You teach your kid to bend over backwards when being ripped off and I’ll teach mine to watch out for it. Better yet how about not talk about kids.
  2. Economic hardship etc justifies cheating, scamming, ripping people off? It’s fair to say she wouldn’t do it to her Thai friends. But to farangs, let’s milk them. Not in my book!!!
  3. ???????? ok that makes sense. Just to set the record straight, the first visit was a full refund. So now we’re talking about 1baht. ????????????
  4. She completed a course the article says. It’s not about competency in Thailand, it’s about attending.
  5. No, that is not the definition. It is a person who fits the definition. ????
  6. Lack of ability to speak is irrelevant in this case.
  7. Some people just can’t accept being wrong even when presented with facts. Thai Tourism Law TOURISM AUTHORITY OF THAILAND ACT, B.E. 2522 (1979) _______________ BHUMIPOL ALULYADEJ, REX. Given on the 30th day of April, B.E. 2522; Being the 34th Year of the Present reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is deemed expedient to have the law on the Tourism Authority of Thailand; Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly acting as the National Assembly as follows: Section l. This Act is called the “Tourism Authority of Thailand Act, B.E. 2522”. Which part of LAW don’t you get buddy. The “A” in TAT is Authority not a lobby group. They don’t set immigration laws of course. But you were asking about formal/legal definition of tourist. This is defined by TAT under law.
  8. Ignoring is one thing and up to individuals but that is Thai government’s formal definition. Laws are not often interpreted consistently but they can be if they choose to do so. You asked what a tourist is and there you have it. Like it or not it is what it is.
  9. TAT definition of tourist according to Thai law: “tourist” means any person who freely travels from his normal place of residence to other place for temporary period with the objective other than to carry on his occupation or to earn income.
  10. Well you weren’t really prepared in advance, don’t speak the language and expect for everything to go smoothly. Don’t blame the people who were dealing with you. Put yourself in their shoes.
  11. Yeah it’s about 48 baht more than you. ????????????
  12. We’ve had plenty of those. I don’t think (hope not) she’s the type. Just a little old lady trying to squeeze a farang for a few Baht. Not blaming her, just not letting her win.
  13. I got some banana trees as a matter of fact. I can send you some.
  14. No, just sharing stuff and experiences.
  15. Don’t be harsh on her. Give her credit for trying.
  16. Posted my encounter with lady selling bananas at a monkey temple. No monkeys in sight so I asked for refund and eventually got it. Part2-took the boy there again. 50thb she said for a basket. Ok I said. As she was handing it to me she dropped it, monkeys hovered them up. I gave her 50. She said another 50 as the first one was for the dropped basket. But you dropped it I said. She insisted that I pay another 50. No way I said. The idea is for the boy to walk around hand feeding the monkeys. He got no joy/value from seeing the monkeys cleaning the floor near the banana lady. She eventually and begrudgingly handed me another basket and the boy got the joy he was seeking. farang 2: banana lady 0. I expect just like the first episode to be called cheap Charlie, poor lady trying to feed her kids etc. I don’t care, the principle of the matter is I don’t like getting ripped off. We ended up spending a lot more at the temple, as we always do.
  17. That’s right. Juggling act needs to mastered, one hand on the mouse, beer bottle in the other. Which do you put down when you need your hand again?
  18. Are you saying berry picking for Thais is Finnished?
  19. Well the video is true. It’s just that the effect will last for only a day or so.
  20. That’s a myth. Wd40 being oily fills the rough surface created by oxidized plastic giving you the impression that it’s cleaned it. Given time when it evaporates you’ll get back the same surface. A bit like wetting a rough gemstone to make it look shiny. The surface has a layer of oxidized plastic. That layer must be removed together with a little bit of intact surface to ensure complete removal of it. Then it is a matter of polishing it until you get the sheen back. No chemical/liquid will work unless it can remove the stuff completely.
  21. Where did you get 76 from? Its 72. No way I’m gonna be able to handle 76. 72 is doable. ????????????????????
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