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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. What a great opportunity for DLT inspectors to double up. An envelope for the regular bi-annual check. And now a bonus payment for this extraordinary inspection. Christmas came early.
  2. Who wrote that script. He did it the wrong way around. He should’ve killed himself first. No second take. Poor lady.
  3. What’s having a license or not having one got to do with having an accident. A 17 year old Thai student probably has 4-5 years experience riding. My grandmother can get a bike license in Thailand with little effort.
  4. If this bothers you, you may be in the wrong country.
  5. “Yeah but we’re busy with other projects at the moment. Casinos and F1 to name a few”, Not easy to make a quick buck tackling pollution hence doesn’t figure on priority list.
  6. Could be an arms dealer. Taking guns to Switzerland, bringing Swiss Army knives back to LOS.
  7. I tried it. It didn’t work so I opted for….
  8. Based on the little information provided, the op does not mention his shortcomings and seems to attribute all issues to her shortcomings. It also seems that she is in it for the convenience/dependence. She’s waiting for something better to come along and trade up. This is a too common scenario with older farangs dating younger Thais thinking they’re doing a good thing taking care of a woman, helping out etc. But they fail to recognize their own flaws. It’s rare for a relationship with 20 year age gap to be based on genuine and mutual affection to one and other.
  9. In other countries the transport minister would be held responsible but here the guy makes a grandiose statement such as this believing he’s fantastic. Shameful.
  10. It’s possible that after 12 months the husband runs off with a 22 year old bar girl who squeezed most of his share of the divorce then left him because he ran out of money. The woman has no friends, language barrier, smell, dirty environments and farangs, locals scamming her, kids nagging wanting to go home, makes her pack it up, leavoing the 65 year old farang butterfly boyfriend, renting a 1 bedroom flat in Penrith.
  11. Or could it be that he’s involved in illegal gambling enterprises, hence affecting his income?
  12. Very risky. What if the iPad blew up? On a related matter, the guy implies domestic speeches carry less weight. No?
  13. She’s engaged in criminal enterprise. At least she should be under house arrest for a year……preferably at my house🫢🫢🫢
  14. Fast tracking inspection via payment is not a problem. Many services offer speedy delivery everywhere in the world. The issue is turning a blind eye meaning issuing permits without inspection. So the bus companies claiming extra payments telling only half the story and partially throwing the officials under the bus. Therefore they and the inspectors are both culpable for doing the illegal mods and getting them passed, respectively.
  15. Hands placed behind back, leaning forward indicates lack of knowledge/interest in a subject matter, aka NFI.
  16. Zebra crossing is a scam. There are no zebras it Thailand. If they call them monkey crossing at least partially believable
  17. Would you bet your career on it madam?
  18. Maybe they meant to say TIKTOK influencer.
  19. What nonesense. You entered an intersection not knowing if you can exit in time. Maybe being in Thailand too long, ie, not thinking ahead. There should be additional fines for blocking traffic.
  20. Money talks, the other stuff walks.
  21. Will it apply to manwhores? It’s tougher for them as they can’t do it several times a day like the gals. Asking for a friend. Any good remedies for back pain? Asking for the same friend.
  22. Another knee jerk reaction. Another third world country pretending not to be one. At its core lies the common issues. Poor education, poor planning, poor infrastructure, corruption, poor leadership, poor law and order, to name a few. Hard to get used to it, but it is what it is.
  23. That’s BS. she’s supposed to be the country’s leader. It’s part of her job to address significant events. I believe sympathy is a more appropriate word than empathy.
  24. Hard to hold back when you’re an entitled narcissist. All he had to do was to enjoy the remaining of his life. But he couldn’t help it. Now he’s been chased once again.
  25. Since nobody knows the algorithm used for accepting/refusing applications or the mind of the interviewer it’s impossible to know. Based on my friends experiences a woman traveling alone to meet her partner in USA is generally a red flag no matter her circumstances. That’s not to say she’ll be rejected, but scrutinized more. Being a long term employee is more favorable than own business since you can get someone to run the business for you. You living in USA, if the case, may work against you since it can be seen as an incentive for her to remain in USA permanently. Having said that, it’s worth the try applying. Just make sure you do it properly because if she’s rejected, it may get harder to get favorable outcome without changes of circumstances. Good luck.
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