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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 10 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    The laws are not about drinking, the laws are to discourage congregating, drinking, eating, playing monopoly etc all leads to a grouping of people.

    All using a common bathroom, breathing in a confined space, Theoretically, all your guests could be touching the same doorbell.

    Just as we would if we all went to a restaurant, albeit not drinking alcohol. I would like to think my home is cleaner than the average restaurant.  Its all a bloody farce!

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



    This is not about drinking, it is about social gatherings................................... in Thailand the two are often inextricably linked.



    Hopefully, you haven't got so many friends so as to make it a mass gathering that might attract the attention of the authorities.



    If in doubt just disguise it as a monk party.

    Good idea, but you wouldn't see me dead in a saffron robe, let alone socialising with monks, real or otherwise !

    • Thanks 1
  3. This the most ridiculous thing I have read in my 33 years here in Thailand. Is it just a new rule off the top of someones head? Has it been thought out? Doesn't look like it, or if it has lets have some details in full

    What happens with all the deliveries to Tesco. Makro and every other shop, which come from another province. Will the delivery drivers have to be quarantined for 14 days?  What about those that live close to the Buriram border, that either need to enter Buriram for a hospital appointment, or leave the province for a similar reason? I could go on and on................................


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  4. 3 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    The updated advice published today helpfully says:

    "British nationals abroad who need to apply for a passport

    If your country‘s VAC is closed, you won’t be able to apply for a British passport. If you urgently need to travel to the UK, you can apply for an emergency travel document"


    It doesn't advise what applicants who are waiting for their new passports to be delivered should do, however visa applicants have been supplied with this email address [email protected]

    The recipient address  is [email protected]   NO full stop after .com.

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  5. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:


    But at least those incompetent clowns at HMPO have finally got round to informing us on that site that the passport renewal service is no longer available from Thailand until God knows when!


    So there is no passport service from Thailand and VFS are shut.


    What about the probably hundreds of passport renewals that have been submitted to VFS, but the new passports are yet to arrive back. I know of 6 people waiting new passports, one of which expires this week. The person concerned will therefore be illegally in Thailand with no valid visa.

    With the British Embassy remaining open, it would surely be simple for HMPO to send completed pasports to the Embassy, or better still courier them direct to the passport holder instead of to VFS as usual, just as was done in the past when applications were submitted to Hong Kong. But HMPO rejected that idea when I put it to them. perhaps because they didn't think of it first!!!!!!!


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  6. On 4/13/2020 at 8:31 AM, essox essox said:

    trendy house WILL NOT send by post.....one has to collect new passport in person....AS YOU HAVE TO SIGN FOR the new one !!!

    To collect your new UK passport from VFS, either self or using an agent, your old passport has to be submitted for them to cancel and cut the corner off. No old passport, then no new one!!!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Mung said:

    treat people like animals they are going to act like animals. It's easy to see that countries that have decent facilities and care for the wellbeing of their prisoners, have lower crime rates. 

    Many are in the worlds monkey houses, because they acted like animals in the first place. Prison life needs to be harsh so as hopefully to act as a deterrent

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