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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. I was parked up this morning -off the road -near the bus station and a busy intersection, waiting for my son to complete his dental treatment. It was a long wait.


    During that time I saw hundreds, probably a thousand or more, motorcycles, where I estimate 80% of the drivers did not have helmets. Rather bizaarely, the vast majority of those without helmets were wearing masks!


    Do they not understand that only 58 people have died since March from Covid 19, whereas a similar number, [predominantly motorcyclists) die EVERY DAY on Thailand's roads.


    People with totally messed up minds!!!


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  2. So they were hounded out of Ubon and set up in Rayong.  Clearly any penalties were insufficiently severe.


    Why is a tariff of penalties not published so all who frequent these establishments know what will happen to them? This type of set-up warrants prison sentences. Out in my neck of the woods, where dominoes for a few baht is the highlight of most peoples lives, it is known they will be fined 1,000baht if caught. Wearing their mandatory village uniform, the Pa tung, it is somewhat difficult to flee

  3. Tesco yesterday. everyone entering  had a mask and had temp taken. Practically nobody scanned the QR code or entered details on the form on the table..no instruction to do so. Once inside the shop, many people removed the mask. -2 employees seen had no mask.  Meanwhile there was a continuous recording stating that to comply with government regulations EVERYONE must either sign in on entering and leaving or scan the code and wear the mask.  Does anyone care?

  4. 59 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    I can see no reference in the original post stating whether the poster is Thai or Farang. It has always been my understanding that as soon as a Thai lady marries a Farang she loses the right to buy land ! Obviously there must be ways around this, it is extremely xenophobic ????

    That was certainly the case some 30 years ago. The house I first "paid for" could not be in my wife's name so had to be in her father's name.  I protected my money though by drawing up a mortgage contract with father, which was endorsed on the chanote.  Nowadays a Thai wife of a foreigner can buy land, as long as it is clearly stated that it is not bought with farang money.

  5. Is it that the birth was not registered, or that a birth certificate was not issued?


    In my experience of helping widows here in Isaan, I have come across many who do not have a birth certificate, yet their names appear on house registration books and they have an ID card.


    My sister in law did not have a birth certificate and needed one to go to Switzerland. It was sorted for next to nothing by the village headman.


    If no village headman go to the amphur. Forget the greedy lawyers!

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  6. Joe...not everyone has the foresight and intelligence that you (and I ) have.????????


    Some leave it till late. I helped 6 people to renew their passports last March, and the new ones have not yet come back as VFS is shut. 2 of the old ones have now expired.  HMPO will neither send the new ones to the Embassy nor direct to the customer.


    I really doubt the Embassy care any more than HMPO.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It can be issued to stay here as well. It is equal to having a passport.

    Don't go by the title of the page.

    Its a pity the guidelines do not say that. Many here have deep concerns because they have no valid passport, and the British Embassy have not told them other than they can have a travel document should they need to travel urgently.


    It would be useful if the Ambassador would mention this when he next gives his pep talk on the internet.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    They can issue a emergency passport.

    See: https://www.gov.uk/emergency-travel-document

    That is simply a travel document if you want to travel.......and can!  It does not address the problem of being in Thailand without a passport, which the US government appear to have dealt with.


    Those whose passports have expired (and their visas) are at the mercy of Immigration. Suggestions have been made that Immigration will be sympathetic, but it is well known that each Immigration Office does what it wants, not what HO orders!   Same as the Thai banks! There will undoubtedly be demands for a few under the counter 10,000's or even 20.000 Baht!

  9. 24 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I assume you meant 2021.

    If you passport was to expire while here you would be in the country illegally. You must have a valid passport.

    If a person needs a passport now the embassy will issue a emergency passport valid for one year. 

    From the embassy website.


    Source: https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/adult-passport-renew/

    What about British Passports? I am not aware the Embassy will do more than issue a travel document in the event of an emergency. I am aware of 2 people here in Isaan whose British passports (and visas) have expired wuith several more about to expire.

  10. 10 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:

    You (your widow) does not need to contact the British embassy at all.



    If you die at home the police must be informed within 24 hours.



    If you die in hospital then an embassy release letter will be required before your body can be removed for cremation.



    Make a Will if you have assets in Thailand (separate one if you have assets in the UK). If you die intestate in Thailand your assets do not automatically pass to your widow (like the UK). A Will should make it easier for your widow to extract cash from bank accounts - and transfer any vehicles that may be in your name. Court approval will ost likely be required (ie the equivalent of 'proving ' the Will).


    I suggest that your widow does not give up your passport to anyone...... at least not without taking several copies. Lopburi is right, the police would usually ask for it. Fob them off with a copy if the death occurs at home.

    This the best response that I have read, and it is completely accurate.




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