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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. VFS Passport renewal services have been suspended from Monday 30th March. Any passports awaiting collection must be collected by Tuesday 31st March.


    VFS state that any passports in the pipeline will be dealt with once they reopen.


    This will be of no use to those who have submitted applications for new passports which will not come back. Many passports are due to expire whilst others are full. In both cases visa extensions will not be possible.

    It is to be hoped that HMPO UK can send the new passports direct to the customers, rather than the normal channel via VFS. Even if they were delivered direct to the British Embassy, many especially those living far from Bangkok, would not be able to travel to Bangkok to collect them.

  2. 55 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    You can't change the phase of the moon, but you can cancel holidays which usually means mass travel for many people. Can you imagine the fall-out from thousands leaving the cities, using mass transport systems to go home to families nationwide.

    This is a smart move... kiss the New year celebrations goodbye for this year, but a holiday period in Lieu will be given when things get back to normality.

    Not so simple. Thousands upon thousands come back for Songkran, then remain, to plough their land, plant the rice in May if there has been any rain, and then return to bangkok. Nothing will change this year!   Most won't even be aware of any problems.

    • Like 2
  3. If the government aren't clear whether its nationals of or travelling from, scope for immigration officers on land norders, to fleece everyone on the list  - even more than usual. US$ not accepted at the Chong Chom or Chong sa ngam borders, 1200 or 1500baht demanded. Time the government did something about it.......its not that they haven't been made aware

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Yes, of course you can make a will alone but of course with the legal requirments re witnesses and yes it doesn't have to be registered anywhere.


    You say "...BUT, if you have a Thai wife, she will do whatever she wants,..."And yes if your wife is determined to take everything and ignore the will there's some chance she will get away with it. What could of course be in the picture is a small pay off to the local cop or head of the amphur office, etc., to grease the way for her to get access to your bank accounts etc. 


    But not every Thai wife fits the model you portray and here are plenty who would want the funds you leave preserved for her and her kids longer-term welfare, education etc.



    My point was solely with regard to the funeral arrangements - sorry if that was not clear.


    You WILL have 9 monks minimum, chanting, food and drink for the entire village and beyond and more than likely, dirge music and not what you requested plus the likliehood af all night card sessions.  See it regularly where I live.

  5. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    A little further, perhaps a little bit outside the thread, some embassies will take an official record of your wishes in terms of who you want to be officially informed outside of Thailand of your passing and who you officially don't want to be contacted in this regard. Some embassies will also make an official record of who you nominate as your NOK Next of Kin. My understanding is that the thai police will respect whatever you have recorded in these matters at your embassy. (Meaning of course embassies which have this service.)


    Further, another possibiity could be to make a simple registered will at the local amphur and with several people informed that your will is held at the local amphur office.


    In the will you could make an instruction that you wish to have the most simple and most inexpensive cremation possible, no ceremonies / no parties whatever and the most simple and inexpensive process possible to distribute your ashes. 


    To be honest my will is pretty much exactly as per the paragraph above.


    I discussed it all with my only Thai son (only child anywhere in the world) and his wife. My son was not surprised and his wife also not surprised, however his wife was initially concerned what to tell her money grabbing siblings who she knew would want a big ceremony and party etc., to make the whole family look wealthy and important.


    My response was 'I want every baht possible saved for the ongoing good education of my Thai grandchildren'.


    DIL instantly said 'thanks, good comment, that's exactly what I will tell my bros and sisters if needed and tell them that she and my son were very thankful for this approach and there is no further discussion'.

    You can just make a Will. No need to register it anywhere, let alone the amphur. You can put what you want in the Will......no party, no monks, no flowers, no whatever.


    But....and it is a big BUT, if you have a Thai wife, she will do whatever she wants, either with your money, or borrow as necessary. It's all about Face-as usual - and she will be expected by friends and neighbours to send you off in a big way - no expense spared!.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    I was watching the Netflix's Pandemic yesterday and they mentioned swine flu infected 2B people. I have no idea where that number came from, but it was presented. It's R0 was about 1.6. The Wuhan virus with such high R0 and apparently some indication it's infectious when asymptomatic would then have good chances of easily infecting over half of the world's population. 4% of that is quite a few.

    Do not believe only 28 had swine flu. My son was one, hospital for 2 weeks.

  7. There are many schools in Pattaya, Bangkok and throughout the country, where there is a high concentration of Chinese children. Via their families, and possibly visiting relatives, they are potential carriers of the virus.  Should consideration be given to excluding them from school for the time being, or at least segregating them from non Chinese students?

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  8. Over recent years I have made many cross border trips to Cambodia using the Chong Chom crossing. Every time on leaving I encounter problems and again upon returning.


    Being resident I need a new TM6 when leaving.(as did Thais formerly) This confuses Thai immigration when leaving as they want the departure card I originally arrived on.  Eventualy after several phone calls I get stamped out, and the arrival part of the TM6 is stamped and stapled  into my passport.  Returning it is the same problem. I am asked to fill in a new TM6 and eventually Immigration accept  things are different and stamp me in.


    Last week things were different.  I left Thailand with a new TM6. After some 10 minutes I was stamped out, but the complete TM6 was stapled into my passport. The arrival section ws not stamped. I queried it suggesting to the Officer that he needed the departure section, but was waved away.  Upon return a few days later..big problems. Many phone calls and after 20 minutes, with a huge queue forming behind me, I was taken across the road to the departure area, where I was quizzed,. Eventually after another 20 minutes my pasport and PR book were reluctantly stamped, but I was given the departure section of the TM6, and told I must exit with that next time.


    Has anything officialy changed, does anyone know?  I anticipate further problems when I go to Cambodia next time


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