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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. On 12/1/2020 at 11:44 AM, zzzzz said:

    i travel alot  by car ALL around thailand, from Betong in the south to Chiang Rai, Nan, Chiang Khong, surin etc etc


    I do NOT stay in dorms.


    I have never seen 100 baht /night rooms, ( Those would have been single rooms, no air con, no tv, cold shower)  since the mid 90's, nor have i seen pat thai for less than 40 baht in the past 20 years.

    The working girls seem to get rooms for less that 100baht/day. Farangs pay farang price

  2. 19 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Instead of raising the speed limit what about slipping a few patrol cars on the highways to fine people ( and a hefty fine at that ) who start using the hard shoulder when traffic gets busy or to jump ahead at traffic lights.

    While your at it remove that “ able to overtake on the left “ ruling , tired of seeing the dangerous antics of drivers zig zagging on Highway 32  !!


    Talking of Highway 32 , about a month ago a couple of signs similar to these:




    Appeared on the southbound side just above Ayutthaya but nothing painted on the actual road !!

    Come on Thailand, these devices are there to educate the drivers about what a safe driving distance should look like, right now they are probably causing accidents as drivers search Google on their phones to figure the signs out !!

    Slap a bit of paint on the road and put a few safety videos at peek time viewing, it’s not rocket science !!


    Rant over ???? 

    Overtaking on the left (undertaking) is highly dangerous, but with some 50% or more of Thai motorists hogging the outer lane at 60/70/80km/hr and refusing to move over despite being flashed repeatedly, what alternative is there?  Get the cops off their <deleted> and onto the roads, and ban these thoughtless individuals.   Won't be many vehicles left on the road????????

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  3. 3 hours ago, fangless said:

    If premeditated crimes like murder are not deterred by capital punishment there is no chance that it will  deter crims of  sudden urges like rape.

    They are not deterred, because rarely are the punishments carried out. Family seytlements are normally the order of the day, with many wais, and a hefty police pay off!  Seen it many times in recent years in my area!

  4. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:


    Only 1,000 THB? The wife of the OP of this particular thread was fleeced for double that amount! ????????



    You are very seriously mistaken, OJAS. As the OP of this thread, my wife has NEVER had nor needed any interaction with Immigration and as such neither she nor I have  ever been fleeced by them.


    In the past 30 years my only contact with Immigration, as a PR holder, has been to obtain multiple  re-entry permits, for which I have paid the correct price.


    The reference made to paying 2,000baht was made by Bangyai!

  5. 38 minutes ago, ukrules said:


    There's something very wrong here, did your friend get his yearly extension already and the visits continue or are they still deciding whether to issue the yearly extension?


    It sounds to me like they think he's lying and they want to catch him out but I guess that depends on whether he has the extension already.

    He already has his extension


  6. Every day we see on TV and read in the news of the use of guns with mostly fatal results. I am sure it is not legal; to walk around with guns or have them in ones car, so is it not more than about time for this useless government to do something about it.


    Ban all guns in public (except police and similar). Those, for whatever reason allowed to own one, must keep it at home.


    Penalties should be severe.  10 years imprisonment (IN FULL) for mere possession of a gun (or other weapon in public)  and a death sentence for anyone threatening or using one, whatever the outcome.


    Might deter a few, except the stupido's. Then again perhaps not!

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