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Everything posted by zakalwe

  1. magnesium citrate gummies
  2. 1 mg melatonin.
  3. Donald "Gluck Gluck" Trump
  4. No, he has the privilege of paying more money now.
  5. Why is the taxi driver wai-ing to the farang's titty?
  6. Hmm, I'm on the lookout for some good moussaka.
  7. Huh? Rock and roll in the bars, hamburger joints and most of the movies playing in Thailand are American.
  8. Marriage is the equivalent of buying a 747 to get the peanuts.
  9. Condoms are for f**king pussies.
  10. AI is a force multiplier. Zero times a force multiplier is zero. A smart human needs to be in the loop. Get better at prompt engineering. Iterate until you get something useful. You can ask Chapgpt about prompt engineering.
  11. KFC does have those tasty Macau style egg tarts.
  12. I got the vaccine because I heard from someone that got shingles that the pain was so bad that he begged doctors for opioids. I do not like pain.
  13. Nooooo! I really like the Texas Chicken biscuits. I miss the Carl Jr's chocolate shakes too.
  14. The golden goose is the stupid tourist, not the savvy expat.
  15. The Macbook Air is the best couch laptop.
  16. It might be easy to be a male porn star in Japan. There was a shortage a few years ago. 70 males to 10,000 females. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/sex/worlds-hardestworking-porn-star-says-he-just-cant-keep-it-up/news-story/b2ec011b699e58f0aee3b4c48eeea614 You can contact Japanese male porn star Shimaken on X: https://x.com/avshimiken
  17. Chatgpt is good for health and information technology questions because it has been trained on a lot of published material. It isn't very good on current events. It is a good starting point for inquiry. Much better than Google search. Just be aware that it can be 100% wrong. It won't know that it is wrong. Test it by asking things you already know the answer to. Chatgpt is nice in that you can ask follow up questions and Chatgpt will understand the context of the questions.
  18. You might have frozen shoulder. You can see a physical therapist for it. There are also Youtube exercises for it.
  19. Food grade diatomaceous earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbk0OYxCipw DE works by damaging the exoskeletons of insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. It's a mechanical insecticide, so pests cannot develop resistance to it, making it a reliable long-term solution.
  20. Roadside? Farang was in the middle of a traffic jam.
  21. That meal literally looks staged. So no one had a bite but everyone drank their tea?
  22. Yes, I do think that. You might think otherwise but you would be wrong. The BBC has reported on it. ************* The government predicted as many as five million Chinese tourist arrivals by the end of the year - still less than half the nearly 11 million who came in 2019. But a big improvement on last year, when there were only 270,000. That rosy scenario has turned out to be far too optimistic. Fewer than 2.5 million came in the first nine months of 2023. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67305693
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