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Everything posted by zakalwe

  1. Peeing outdoors while drunk is quite exhilarating.
  2. Just wait. There will be separate upcharges for left and right tit touching.
  3. This isn't an airport. You do not need to announce your departure.
  4. Getting called out in Americanese is being exposed as a fraud.
  5. I like the glasses I got from Look at Terminal 21 Asok. They have test glasses to check your prescription. Make sure your prescription is correct.
  6. The Chinese guy didn't lose his Thai girlfriend. He just lost his turn.
  7. How long have you been in Thailand? When did the honeymoon end?
  8. Have you seen the news in Thailand lately? Chinese tourists >>>>> farang tourists
  9. I wouldn't recommend benzos. They can be really addictive. Then you are just trading 1 addictive behavior for another. Look into Ozempic/Wegovy that is used for weight loss. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/19361/
  10. How do you lightly kick a pregnant woman? The police has seen the CCTV video and pressed charges. Also, the Russian woman can lose her visa.
  11. Only Russian women under the age of 25 should be allowed into Thailand. For...reasons...
  12. How much contempt do you have for Thailand and Thais in general? What do you actually like about Thailand?
  13. Another woman trying to get out of trouble by using her pussy pass.
  14. The guy on the left has this look, "can you believe this beeyatch?"
  15. Sure, there is a lot of speculation on what happened. The most important thing is hard evidence. The prosecution has a video and at least 2 Thai eyewitnesses. What hard evidence does the defense have? Context has no meaning/importance if there is no hard evidence to back it up.
  16. Per ChatGPT: An Indian, a British, and a French driver were arrested for drunk driving in Patong. At the police station, they were asked to explain themselves. The British driver, Mr. Myles, spoke first, "Your Honor, I must admit, I had a few too many pints celebrating England's victory. It was reckless, and I regret it deeply." The French driver, Mr. Alexandre, nodded in agreement, "Indeed, monsieur le juge, I got carried away with the fine wines of Patong. It was a foolish mistake, and I accept full responsibility." Then it was the Indian driver's turn, Mr. Manoj. The judge asked him, "And what about you, Mr. Manoj? Why were you driving under the influence?" Mr. Manoj scratched his head, then confidently stated, "Your Honor, I had to drink because the bar had a 'buy one, get one free' offer! It's a frugal opportunity." The courtroom fell silent for a moment, then erupted into laughter. Even the judge couldn't contain his amusement. As Mr. Manoj's statement was clearly illogical and focused on cheapness, it brought embarrassment not only to himself but also to his entire ethnic group, leaving them shaking their heads in disbelief. The humans on Aseannow laughed and laughed and welcomed their new AI overlords.
  17. An Indian, a British and a French driver were arrested in Patong for drunk driving Anyone else care to finish the joke?
  18. From a paper I'm reading on the Thai justice system: "In one case, I saw a court security officer ask a MalayMuslim defendant who was unable to read Thai to sign the summary of his testimony, even before it had been translated to him. The defendant signed without hesitation. Co-operating with the court procedures is a requirement in Thailand, not an option: to assert your rights as a defendant is to question the integrity of the proceedings and to brand yourself as a troublemaker." It seems that as a defendant, you really can't defend yourself.
  19. Some interesting tidbits about the Thai justice system: 1) criminal trials are typically heard and decided by a panel of judges 2) conviction rates in Thailand are above 95%
  20. Daddy might soon be paying for the Thaksin suite.
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