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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. Why does it take these supposed highly intelligent politicians some time to see sense with these hare-brained ideas when the average person figures it out with just a few minutes research on’t t’internet🤨
  2. Maybe Prasong hadn't been overseeing the vehicles and maintaining cleanliness around the area to the satisfaction of all the tuk-tuk drivers
  3. His user name says it all
  4. Likely running Windows 11 so 16GB RAM might be better
  5. No restrooms, bathrooms, comfort rooms, washrooms or even toilets on commercial aircraft - they are lavatories but normal procedure used to be to remove dead bodies to a lavatory and lock it out but as there are no seat belts in lavatories they are often left in their seat covered with a blanket
  6. Attempting to assault a security guards (bouncer) is an idiot thing to do for any age and in any situation - and 62 is not old these days🤔
  7. How can NATO be stronger than ever without Uncle Sam🥴
  8. Actually undermining the NATO alliance is the fault of the European members themselves especially the Germans who did not listen to Trump the first time when he told them they were not making the contributions and were relying on the US taxpayer to cover the shortfall. Add to that their unrelenting arrogance that the EUSSR could provoke Putin by expanding all the way to the Russian border and not expecting him to push back especially the regions that are considered to be predominantly Russian by heritage. There really are some clueless individuals on this forum
  9. Can walk down a street in China and Hong Kong with a bottle of beer in hand - nothing disgusting about it🤨
  10. Love the smell of cannabis in the morning - it’s… the smell of freedom
  11. Perhaps he should have tried to carry favour with the shooter
  12. You get facts off the BBC website?
  13. But the pics are She was the poster girl for an anti alcohol abuse commercial back in 2005🙄
  14. The ATM solution would be the worst due to the bt200 transaction fee plus a fiver or so UK bank charge and a maximum bt20-30k per transaction. Bring in the equivalent of USD10k cash for starters get set up with a Thai bank account and go with wire transactions there on.
  15. The WHO avoided stigma as it is not a Greek letter - you’re confusing it with the Greek letter sigma
  16. But they need to comply with IATA regulations to maintain their ability to fly on international routes and an IATA inspector or even local regulatory authority can carry out an inspection at an international airport and ground an aircraft if it fails to meet international requirements - even a sanctioned nation would want to avoid that
  17. Thailand’s Tony Blair - both men could now be PMs for life in their respective countries if they weren’t absolute @r$e holes
  18. It almost suggests the driver was using his rear view mirror🤔
  19. Wouldn’t ya know even the Head of the NTSB is female - Jennifer Homendy, but from her Wikipedia page seems she has had no actual experience in ATC or any other aspect of aviation but a lot of previous involvement in labor unionism.
  20. If the crew didn’t complete the journey the number of take offs to landings would not be equal which is not good. Depending at what point in the flight the engine fails the airline’s default policy is usually to return to home base due to the logistics of trying to replace an engine at an outstation or diversion airport - either way the safety of the aircraft is paramount.
  21. He's the first 'holier than thou' post!
  22. Because the Muslim Council of Britain are not and should never be recognised by the British Government
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