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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. Or gas fitters or plumbers or car mechanics or garbage collectors or (in the case of Anglo-Saxon women) partners to non Anglo-Saxon males as they are now portrayed in tv & radio commercials… the list goes on🥴
  2. Haven’t watched a movie at the flicks since Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and maybe Top Gun Maverick but my comments somewhere in this thread on the new Steve McQueen directed movie Blitz looks from the trailer like it is a blatant attempt to whitewash even our most recent British history
  3. The latest film by director Steve McQueen ‘Blitz’ about a young boy trying to escape the London Blitz in 1940 sounded like a ‘must watch’ even on the big screen until one watched the trailer and said ‘nah’ - the young boy is of mixed race and the air raid warden who appears to find him and lead him to safety is Afro-Caribbean. Maybe the film does provide some background as to how this combination of characters found themselves in London at that particular time in our recent history (pre-Windrush) but it seems more likely that a decent high-budget film has been destroyed by the high explosives of wokeness and an undermining of the part that people (mostly men that is) from the Commonwealth nations played in defeating Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers.
  4. For once GammaGlobulin is correct - even if a movie is watchable one doesn’t know till it is over that some woke nonsense will not creep in
  5. Parasite was a painfully dreadful movie - absolute garbage
  6. That would be because it's the Airport Tollway
  7. My US company used to send Xmas cards every year to Thai Airways key engineering personnel - Don Muang was always included on the mailing list but not sure if he ever received it🤔
  8. Yes but that's mostly the fraudulent postal votes
  9. But he could form a coherent sentence once upon a time whereas Kamala never could and he would have a much better team behind him to try and bring the world back from the brink of WWIII where Biden-Harris have brought us to.
  10. Saw him on two separate occasions - one morning back in 2006 standing on the sidewalk outside a South Beach FL hotel surrounded by his flunkies and once 2008 at the movie premier of Hancock 'meeting n greeting' along with Will Smith and Charlize Theron on Hollywood Blvd - try as I might I can't recall if I was drugged and raped by P Diddy... but chances are I must have been😉
  11. And the Coke bottles of p1$$ discarded at roadside laybys and motorway services in the UK mainly by Eastern European lorry drivers
  12. Islamophobia is a genuine fear for everyone, even Muslims...
  13. Always interesting for non-teachers to read about the problems of teachers on this forum - makes us glad to have chosen a real profession all those years ago
  14. North and left a bit of Patts!
  15. There is a leftist/Marxist idiot, 'Kevin from Basingstoke' who is allowed to call into a number of TalkTV chat shows almost daily and spout complete and utter drivel and left wing nonsense to the mirth and merriment of TalkTV's grown up listeners - Kevin is also too dumb to realise that 'Farridge' is the only hope of restoring The UK to any semblance of the nation we were bought up in but is now on the verge of total economic and cultural collapse through the actions of leftists and gullible fools like himself who have now gone so far as to impose on the nation a nasty Communist dictator who had been covering his true intentions in clear sight.
  16. First and even 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants of any race or faith should not have been given British passports or been given the right to vote so readily in the UK as is the case in most every other country in the world, especially Thailand - it is not a democratic right to be able to vote in a country where one has little or no historical or cultural ties. The indigenous population (those that can trace their origins back a century or more at least) are quite capable of making the decision as to who represents them and their community. MacPhooey has only limited voting rights after over twenty years permanent residency in HK and is quite happy with that and has no desire to attain political office or to vote for anyone who would wish to impose one's own culture and faith on the good people of HK. Only lefty/liberal apologists and gullible fools would support the destruction of their own nation and culture as is happening in the UK at this time and cheered on by certain posters on this site
  17. DG MI5 Ken "Wingnut' McCallum's comments are also the Establishment's means of deflecting criticism from the failure to prevent the infiltration of thousands of potential Islamic/Islamist (they are one and the same thing) terrorists and other foreign criminals to the UK - the very first person to arrive on UK shores without documentation and a genuine reason (after thorough interrogation) to be claiming asylum should have been interned at a secure military installation on the grounds of being a security threat to the Nation. They should not have been allowed all the benefits that Gov UK provides to the detriment of it's own people and free rein of our towns and cities then perhaps the so called 'far right' would have no reason to flourish
  18. She was shouting at her Danish friend - 'It's gruesome'... to which he replied 'Touch it again Ms Henderson and it'll grew some more'
  19. Maybe her Danish friend should have left her alone in her room to get over her reaction and just keep a close eye on her in case of any deterioration - call a local doctor perhaps. Now the police are involved and Ms Henderson's retirement vacation could be cut short and involve some unnecessary expenses
  20. You must be very very smart if you have the mental capacity of all the world's supercomputing technology to calculate with no uncertainty that a warmer atmosphere means it can absorb more water leading to widespread and destructive flooding - how about if increased water in the atmosphere means that more of the sun's ray get reflected leading to global cooling or more rainfall leads to more growth in vegetation therefore a massive increase in CO2 absorption leading to global cooling or an infinite number of other possibilities?
  21. Here is the first ‘holier than thou’ reply😫
  22. Well it really started as a continuation of NW European and Scandinavian, mainly Protestant culture - most of the ROTW feel that their cultures had little to no effect on shaping the modern world and are envious of 'white culture' hence all the leftist/Marxist revisionist history to try and show the 'achievements' of these other cultures which just furthers division.
  23. The driver is still culpable for 1) not checking condition of the tires, emergency exits etc 2) reckless driving 3) not assisting more with the evacuation including ensuring all doors and emergency exits were open and smashing windows if necessary... the mechanics at the garage removing the illegal gas tanks on other buses are also guilty of assisting to conceal the illegal modifications across the fleet.
  24. Nonsense post - how can 14-18000 immigrants being dumped in a small community of 40-50000 people be legal
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