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Everything posted by Morch

  1. That's a whole lot of opinions, but not so many facts. Hamas not surrendering is up to Hamas. Same way they chose to start this war knowing the consequences. For some reason, people are shying away from holding Hamas accountable for anything. What other allies of the Palestinians will join in? There are currently two that are 'in' on a certain level already (Hezbollah and the Houthis). I don't know that anyone else plan to do so as well. Kinda doubt your legal expertise regarding international law in general, and 'war crimes' specifically. Asserting the USA is just as guilty is something you claim, not so much a fact. Maybe it's how you see thing, I don't know. The bombing is not 'indiscriminate' as you claim. And obviously the casualty lists provided by Hamas do not reflect the thousands of Hamas men killed, Gazans killed by failed launches of Palestinian rockets, or ordinary deaths (such as occur on every day everywhere). It's all lumped together for the sake of propaganda.
  2. That division between people holding microphones and talking about suicide attacks, and the people who put them on. So generous building a factory for such. Then there's the bit about founding a new Caliphate - that's sure to play out well (globally and regionally)....or not.
  3. @thaibeachlovers Seems like you're forever trying to justify the Hamas 7/10 attack.
  4. They can lock him up until the construction work is done, and quiet restored. I can understand fantasizing about applying all sorts of weaponry against noisy neighbors, construction workers, or passing vendors with loudspeakers.
  5. @Neeranam Your posts are almost uniformly one-sided, and contain little acknowledgement (let alone condemnation) of Palestinian/Hamas role in things. You can claim otherwise all you want, doesn't change facts regarding your comments and views on here. Personally, my take is that you don't really care much about the Palestinians either, but more in it for the trolling.
  6. @Neeranam Don't post nonsense posts, and there won't be nonsense remarks. For example, implying Israel should treat Gazans as Israeli citizens. You are not 'neutral'. Your posts since the 7/10 on these topics are evidence enough of that.
  7. Been going to the Mission Hospital dental clinic for over 15 years. No complaints, reasonable prices.
  8. A few more ships hit until things will be addressed, unless there's some major disaster involved. Also, it's almost Christmas and New Year's Eve - many diplomatic efforts will be put on halt until beginning/mid January.
  9. @Neeranam I did address your bogus points. Refer to your own post above, and to the post you replied to. Gazans are Palestinians. Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. Claiming Israel treats them as second-class citizens is nonsense.
  10. Thank you. Felt I was not getting something right. Also realized now it was a pre-coffee question.
  11. Maybe I'm missing something, but that 'even if there is a Extradition Treaty' - why would they have one if it's unconstitutional?
  12. @Neeranam There is no Palestinian army. Hamas men are terrorists. Hamas doesn't think their lives significant enough to mention.
  13. @Neeranam More like Hamas not caring about Palestinian casualties, calling them 'necessary sacrifices for the cause'. Gazan's are not Israeli citizens. Get back under your bridge.
  14. All casualty figures in Gaza come from the same source. All news venue repeat the numbers, often with some disclaimer. Hamas does not release details about it's own casualties until it suits him, nothing new - seen on past instances.
  15. @Neeranam You just referenced the total number of casualties on the post I replied to. Not the first time, not the second - not 'only regularly quoted children deaths'. Back when the Israeli casualties were more an object of discussion, yes, I did try to reference not all being civilian. Obviously not on each post, but often enough. As for your latest nonsense, it is not 'a number I said'. That was what the original reports cited, and that was the figure everyone was using for a while. It was adjusted downward as turned out 200+ of the corpses belonged to Hamas men and the those of the Gazan mobs that followed them. This was covered in-depth on many media outlets, and discussed on previous topics. That you try to make something out of it now - not surprising, it's what you do. Edit: To add to the second paragraph, find the differences between Israel and the Hamas. It would have been better for Israel, in propaganda terms, to keep the 1400 figure. Instead, Israel supplied the correct information even if it cost some 'face', and added to the pile of conspiracy theories running around.
  16. @Neeranam Yes. You keep quoting stuff like that, over and over again, or repeating the total figure in your posts. You do not, however, acknowledge that Hamas men are included, but often refer to civilian deaths. My comment stands.
  17. The purpose of peace agreement and treaties is to either improve things or to stop them from deteriorating. So any peace agreement would include the best possible ways to head-off potential conflagrations, conflicts and so on. Given their ideology and religious beliefs, them illegal settlers which would choose to stay (if the option was available) will almost surly seek to cause trouble, and derail the chances for peace. The other side's nutters would, similarly, be all too wiling for some quality revenge time, and so on. On top of that, seeing as how their presence there is illegal, allowing them to stay will essentially reward the crime. I don't think that there's any semi-workable plan which includes what you suggest. Maybe them beers clouded your perception, but we're not discussing the UK. This is the ME. Different rules apply. Classic....
  18. Even if one accepted your opinion (such as it is) and them links without question - what is the relevance to the current situation? How does it relate to the Gaza Strip? To the Hamas 7/10 attack and all that followed? Hamas is not about equal rights to Arab citizens of Israel, and considering it's own Charter, the vision it pushes is tenfold worse (for Jews/Israelis) if it ever comes to pass - so they ain't really anti-apartheid social justice warriors either. There are good reasons to bash Israel. But this topic is about the fighting in the Gaza Strip.
  19. @Neeranam From your post above: Similar comments and quotes can be found in many other posts you made. Citing the total figure, without acknowledging that a considerable part are Hamas men, is lumping them all together. Hamas is doing this intentionally, and considering you never (as far as I recall) referenced them dead Hamas men being part of the total (despite this being explained over and over again) I think what I posted is correct.
  20. Majority of Americans Back Israel as Democrats Split Over War With Hamas, WSJ Poll Finds https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/majority-of-americans-back-israel-as-democrats-split-over-war-with-hamas-wsj-poll-finds/ar-AA1ljw3A A lot of numbers therein, not exactly telling anything new, but reaffirming how things stand. I will touch on just two of them: (a) While younger, left-leaning voters tend to be more supportive of the Palestinians (or less supportive of Israel), and more critical of USA policy - that's almost expected. Young people are for black and white stuff, slogans and activism (I admit to joining protests in my youth with the hope of scoring). Then life happens, and people grow up. I know my politics shifted some over the years, certainly mellowed. I know it happened to many others. (b) Overall, this doesn't actually interest USA citizens all that much. Not in comparison to domestic, social issues. Not even the top world news choice, it seems.
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