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Everything posted by Morch

  1. It's right leaning, alright, but less-pro Netanyahu than it used to be, ever since Sheldon croaked and the Mrs. took over. The article itself doesn't exactly portray Netanyahu in the best manner, even. Nothing like this would have been published on this rag in the past. What i take from this article is that Netanyahu is up to his usual political games - and is cornered by political allies. He can't go for the obvious solutions because the spin required may be too much even for his impressive capabilities and the usual daftness of his base. Everything he does revolves around his political survival. Given that even members of his own party are lukewarm on this, and polls being what they are, doubt he could muster support even if it was put to a vote. Edit: LOL....my Thai IP is blocked on their website, guess that last letter to the journalist/editor didn't go down too well.
  2. What war crimes? The ones alleged? The ones not yet proven? The one that had not been investigated? As for minimizing atrocities committed by Hamas on 7/10 as 'terrorism' - you would. No surprises.
  3. Doesn't have anything to do with your previous comments or mine. As usual, you demonstrate that you cannot address even your own points, when challenged. More often than not, just them deflections on offer, nothing more.
  4. I don't know where you come from, but even the even the article you linked doesn't call it that. I'd bet your government (whichever it is) doesn't either. More like your own usual inflammatory style of posting. If you'd bother reading the article which serves as the basis for the analysis in the Intercept link, you'd realize that this not some agreed upon course of action or anything of the sort. Given how things are both in Israel and relevant countries, doubt it could be realized anyway, even if there was wide support for it.
  5. @thaibeachlovers One wonders if you ever get the concept of context, or maybe that's impossible for you given your wide use of the 'ignore' function. You do realize that these aren't corroborative reports, right? They all stem from the same source - the Hamas controlled ministry of health in the Gaza Strip.
  6. @thaibeachlovers You're a victim, so sad. Apparently you seem to think Hamas men are victims as well. As for defending the indefensible - you're trying your best to whitewash, minimize and ignore all that Hamas did on 7/10. Or the hostages in Hamas hands. Doubt you give two figs about 'the children' beyond the death being a handy propaganda tool - as you do not air a single reservation about Hamas entering this war fully aware of consequences, or not lifting a finger to protect its own civilians.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Apparently you do not seem to have much issues with the abduction of the hostages itself, the manner in which they were separated in captivity or when released. Do you understand that the reason the hostage negotiations collapsed was down to Hamas?
  8. @thaibeachlovers The Gaza Strip is not under occupation, and 'land theft' is not something associated with the situation there. The Gaza Strip is under a blockade and periodically suffers death and destruction - as a result of Hamas actions and agenda. Of course there is a context, but it cannot be addressed in the tunnel vision manner you offer. Nor can it serve to justify the atrocities committed during the attack.
  9. @Neeranam I've made many comments over my years here, critical of Israel's West Bank occupation, Israel's government, or the lack of foresight embodied in Israeli diplomacy and politics. While there were the odd extreme comments here and there, they were mostly oddities, not a general trend. I guess that being labeled the way you sometimes are would require a backlog of making comments which can actually be interpreted as antisemitic, or including certain kinds of rhetoric and references associated with that. On the off chance you weren't aware of this, ask your Rabbit to clue you in.
  10. I don't know that you were trying for anything, but you obviously failed. Or maybe what you consider 'even handed' is just slightly less biased than usual so the 'concession' you make is not recognized. The point stands - you make claims which you cannot support, you get upset when you're called out. As for the 'Zionist' label - in as much as I recognize Israel's right to exist, sure. But given that for you 'Zionist' obviously means something else, then probably not the way you implied. Anyway, considering your previously demonstrated unabashed antisemitism, guess them labels, tags and definitions all get mixed up sometimes in your comments.
  11. @thaibeachlovers Coming from someone who constantly posts propaganda stuff without question, that's amusing. As for whining about links, glass houses may be mentioned. Regardless, the film in question was not released for public viewing, but was shown to various government representatives, media people and so on around the world. Reactions from audiences were pretty much the same - and I don't think that there were any serious strong comments discrediting it as fake, propaganda and so on.
  12. That might be your fairy tale version. My experience is different. Also, given China practically took over HK, not seeing how this deflection works for you. Wasn't aware racism was about 'annoying' people, but again, I'm not the one trading in fairy tales.
  13. You make wide brush claims. You don't back them up with anything. Somehow you expect your loaded 'questions' to be answered.
  14. First Hamas fighters raped her. Then they shot her in the head https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/78d415db-37e9-4845-82b3-a1c96094ce79?shareToken=eef2c8ce5c4d1185705afdc673741abb Fighters....?
  15. Your post was not even-handed, and the claims made are either unclear or false. For example, you claimed Israel is targeting all journalists. Even the link provided above does not make this claim. And that's without getting into how such designations go, and who gets them. I think most of the journalists (or whatever) were killed like most other casualties - not through targeting but due to being in an urban battle zone. Note that the article you linked is totally one sided, and centers on Gazan media people. It mention very briefly that Israeli journalists were killed on 7/10, and unless missed it, does not get into the whole thing about Gazan 'journalists' joining the Hamas raid (or following the initial onslaught, whatever).
  16. If you've been a good boy, I'm sure Santa will oblige.
  17. Clapton doing his thing, Steve Gadd on drums, Willie Weeks on bass. What's not to love? Ok, so it did take me a while to get into the vocals, WW could have chosen a different shirt, and the girl behind Ronnie Wood (2:17) is weird:
  18. I don't think it was a well laid out argument or anything, but not what you claim either. @stevenl is not a fan of Israel, I think, but nothing like a Hamas cheerleader.
  19. @Neeranam Of course you did. Just that this was already done on these topics - and I kinda doubt you missed it, or even that you weren't part of the exchange. You tend to cycle through the same talking points, after all. No, Israel did not 'pack them into Gaza like sardines' - not in the context free, sensational way your present.
  20. What makes you think that there is no 'independent press'? Or more to the point, what do mean by 'independent press', exactly? Kinda doubt you could support the claim that Israel is targeting all journalists. It is kinda amusing how you seem to imagine Hamas allowed 'free coverage', 'free press' and so on even prior to this war.
  21. @thaibeachlovers Despite your apparent expectations (maybe based on attitudes and positions of former chief ICC prosecutors), the post does not mandate holding a strong bias against Israel. Not part of the job requirement. I don't know why you imagine he'd be allowed into the Gaza Strip, it's not like it's open or safe at the moment. You do not indicate whether you mean he asked to go and was refused or what. In fact, you do not bother with a source at all - while haranguing others about such when it suits. Bring cases against Israel based on what? Had inquiries started? Or do you see these as a formality and already decided the outcome? There is an ongoing ICC investigation regarding various Israeli actions started during the time of his predecessor. As far as I'm aware it's still on, if on a low burner. Not sure what you're on about - and doubt you know, either.
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