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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @Neeranam More nonsense. Plus both of you obviously read comments made about you anyway (not to mention drop the 'ignore' thing every now and then).
  2. Other than getting the examples mixed, you could ask what the Palestinian did (or failed to do) that contributes to their predicament. On the same note, how do Hamas actions, agenda help make things better in that regard?
  3. How many rockets launchers in Pattaya? How many rockets launched at Bangkok? How many hostages held in Pattaya? And is it ruled by a terrorist organization hell bent on destroying Thailand?
  4. @thaibeachlovers It's always amusing seeing your posts start with complaints about others being one-sided, then going on a tirade of exactly the same. Not to mention the usual nonsense, misleading comments, over the top statements and co-opting the general public/posters as supportive of your views. The truth is that you do not actually have much clue on what's going on - mainly because you're heavily biased and depend on a single news source that's biased as well.
  5. @thaibeachlovers Don't start wars you can't win. Don't use your civilian population as shield. Invest in means to protect civilians. You don't seem to think Hamas action, agenda had anything to do with this.
  6. Of course it is. At least until the next topic where some comment like that would be made....
  7. Better food, beers....not so much.
  8. There were five points....one dropped: (e) The IDF did not actually complete operations in northern Gaza. The 'truce' (or whatever you call it) put a halt to these. As is stands there are, I think, three neighborhoods (which are also main Hamas strongholds) left. Surrounded, yes, but maybe risky heading south with these at the back? Could be that the announcements about the war effort moving to the south are just a diversion. Guess we'll know soon enough.
  9. Got a bunch of nice, big pomegranates ('Black Diamond' variety) from Makro a few days ago. Cutting them open today, I recalled that there's a saying in Arabic (at least among Lebanese and Palestinians) about how pomegranates taste sweeter after wars, soaking the blood of the fallen. There's another saying like that, about olives being bitter post war, watered by the tears of mothers, wives and daughters. I think there's an old song in Arabic mixing the two saying, but can't quite remember (by Fairuz, maybe).
  10. As truce ends, Herzog, Qatari Emir seen in first public meeting of countries’ leaders https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-truce-ends-herzog-qatari-emir-seen-in-first-public-meeting-of-countries-leaders/ Herzog meets UAE leader on sidelines of climate summit in push to free Gaza hostages https://www.timesofisrael.com/herzog-meets-uae-leader-on-sidelines-of-climate-summit-in-push-to-free-gaza-hostages/ Quite amusing, considering some of the commentary from certain posters during the last 7 weeks. Guess not all governments in the region are quite as invested in opposing Israel as advertised. Mind, this doesn't make them best friends or anything, but still. And yeah, I know - the next line of nonsense would be about them being tyrants and that ordinary people are blah blah blah...
  11. Israel army publishes map it says advises Gazans of safe evacuation areas https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/israel-army-publishes-map-it-says-advises-gazans-of-safe-evacuation-areas/ar-AA1kPKfU IDF posts map of Gaza to guide civilians away from bombings https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1kuqnwh6 Fighting is on again, it seems. This new map indicates that the IDF strategy would be to avoid mass evacuation of civilians (USA objections, nowhere for civilians to evacuate to on this scale) and adopt a different approach where the fighting would be carried out in much smaller, confined zones - with civilians persuasively advised to clear from specific areas ahead of operations. This seems problematic on several issues: (a) If the destruction meted will be anything as seen on the north side, then pretty soon the musical chairs game will be over, and civilians will have nowhere to stay. On the other hand, this would imply much greater risks to IDF combatants, as it affords Hamas defenders more options to attack from hidden positions. It also implies troops will be in greater contact with civilians, which can generate further risks for both. (b) Announcing in advance which areas are to be evacuated robs the IDF of the element of surprise. This could be countered by issuing evacuation notices for other areas, but in time it's bound to lead for cry wolf situation where civilians ignore notices which will put them at risk. (c) Given the size of the areas, it ought to be quite easy for Hamas men to target Israeli forces operating in a specific area, from a neighboring one. If this happens in an area not ordered to evacuate, returning fire would lead to civilians deaths. (d) The pace of operations would undoubtedly slow down. This would mean greater international pressure on Israel to wrap things up, especially with winter on and Gaza humanitarian issues becoming worse.
  12. Reporting from the Gaza Strip doesn't indicate credibility, and much of what is quoted on here from AJ are opinion pieces and analysis. The issue is more about taking their word as gospel vs. reading reports with a critical eye. It's quite obvious where some of you stand on this scale. @Bkk Brian is not my mate, let along 'best'. He even disagrees with my posts sometimes (and vice versa). But do go on about nonsense....?
  13. You seem to trust AJ.....So guess just another nonsense post.
  14. I'm not interested in your nonsense, and not about to argue specific sources with you - as you obviously either don't know what you're talking about or trolling. Similarly, unless at least one of them languages you claim pertains to the area in question, what would be the significance of mentioning it? There are Israeli online websites for most mainstream newspapers, channels etc. Some have English versions as well. Quoted on these topic numerous times. Most of them have varying degrees of pro-Israeli bias, some less so. When it comes to Palestinian media - it's basically a wasteland as far formal media outlets are concerned. Pretty much unreliable all around, towing the party line (of whichever faction), and picking any nonsense story etc. There are several social media accounts doing a better job, but not many - at least not in English. There are several online websites/tools which help gauge credibility etc. for media outlets, news channels, think tanks and so on. The methodologies and scope differ, as does their own reliability - but they are often good enough to get a clue.
  15. Here's one that maybe fits this forum:
  16. I do not criticize all ME media, that's something you claim - and that is not true. It is correct that there are many media venues in the ME which are not very reliable, controlled by governments etc. or are dedicated to certain causes in a way which effects their credibility. You can mock Western (or USA) media all you like, but there's no competition when it comes to standards. I'm not saying they are perfect, but better. Also, unlike many of you, I'm not limited to English language news and social media. And having some experience with this, I often know which authors/reporters/journalists/commentators are worth reading or listening to. Any other nonsense comments you need to air?
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