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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The clip was posted on this original topic more than once, with most instances removed by moderation team due to content. I'm not sure which you're trying to deny - the existence of the clip? The act itself? That is was posted already? Just your usual brand of lame deflections.
  2. Caught out posting things which are incorrect, untrue, false, over the top and so on. More than once. I'm not moderating anything, obviously - seeing as you're still posting rubbish day it day out.
  3. You originally said 'hostages'. Prisoners is something else.
  4. What 'ethnic cleansing'? The one you imagine? Doesn't count. That's just AJ nonsense, and as often happens, your post does not actually address what I posted.
  5. @thaibeachlovers Whereas Russia's expectations of swift victory.....?
  6. @Neeranam What he said was already addressed up topic. You choice seems to be to deflect, ignore or re-quote his words again - rather than address comments made.
  7. @Neeranam What does your comment have to do with the post replied to?
  8. Freed Thai hostage says Israelis held with him were abused, beaten https://www.timesofisrael.com/freed-thai-hostage-says-israelis-held-with-him-were-abused-beaten/
  9. A couple of return trips ago, had an unsmiling officer (male). There was a very long line, so maybe it was a bad day, dunno. Anyway starts asking about hotel reservations, I point out that I'm married and got a house, checks again, and we do some more of this until he gets it. To regain face, starts asking questions - then turns out he's originally from the town next door. A couple of minutes small talk about local stuff and it's all smiles. Important thing is to know when to keep it cool and polite. There's a time and place for aggro, immigration ain't it. Most times (in about 20 years or so), it's a breeze, often with nice smiles all about.
  10. If Mrs. Morch's youngest niece makes an appearance, than yes. Did the same for her older brother a while back. And other family kids long time ago. In this house we got a Jack-fruit tree that turned out shaped like a Christmas tree (no fruit) so easy to decorate. Then there's the uncle (me...) to act as Santa (she learned that from one mall or the other in Bangkok). Apparently, I'm a good choice as my gifts are higher quality, miraculously what she hopes for, my beard ain't fake (there was an incident...) and I'm not 'fat'. It's just a bit of fun, nothing more. They grow out of it pretty quick, though they still like getting presents. There's a nearby garden that does a very nice light-show, plan to take them there as well.
  11. @Neeranam You claim Hamas actions are justified (maybe even righteous, I dunno). And that they are directed against Israel. How does chopping a Thai guy with a hoe figure into that world view? How does killing scores of other Thais and abducting others morally justified?
  12. I'm questioning labeling it a 'disease'. My nephew in an 'Asperger kid'. Sadly (and oddly) he apparently took to reading some parts of this forum, following his uncle about....
  13. Looking at the maps on the full article linked, seems like the 'humanitarian zone' is actually pretty safe, as such things go. Earlier allegations by some posters (echoing Palestinian propaganda) claimed otherwise.
  14. @Neeranam Because I do not believe his moral stance is sound. And while I did not use the word 'lying' I think he did say things which aren't true. Not too hard to understand. Naturally, you cannot or will not counter this with facts.
  15. @Neeranam Israel did not 'take hostages', other than in your imagination. Palestinians do get arrested on terrorism charges.
  16. @Neeranam Guess you missed that clip of a Thai worker in Israel being hacked to death by Hamas men using a hoe.
  17. @Neeranam Do you think restrictions placed on the Gaza Strip had anything to do with Hamas actions? Were these restrictions always in place?
  18. If Israel and the IDF didn't 'care' about Palestinian casualties there would be no warning given, no time for civilians to evacuate, much more destruction about and different armaments used. This is obviously not the case, regardless of how you try to spin it. It appears that you do not have a clear grasp of the situation or the details involved, but rather toss about any half-cooked term, headline or whatever that suits your narrative. In your warped view, seems like nothing whatsoever got to do with Hamas actions.
  19. There were comments made on the content of the interview. You did not so much address them as offered a general deflection. Much of what he said, in this interview is neither factually correct, nor morally sound. That you choose to ignore this, is your choice. Some matters are not subject to 'opinion'.
  20. What does being on a Thai forum and him being Thai got to do with things? It is not a requirement, nor a tradition, on this forum to refrain from criticizing Thais. The fact that he's got views of his own does not mean that they need to be accepted, condoned and so on. That's a rather bizarre comment you made there, Jeff.
  21. @thaibeachlovers If you 'proposal' was to ever be implemented, it would make sense for countries to go for 'fake' splintering, while effectively retaining the same interests. Because what you imply is that the deciding factor would be how many countries vote for a motion - not what the labels (countries) represent. It would not matter how many people are represented, or what the countries contribute in terms of global economy, knowledge, technology, culture and so on (yes, including military might). All that would be required to pass whatever motion would be having enough countries to vote 'yes'. Given that there are many corrupt, poor countries, this will simply result in another problematic system where vote buying would play a greater role. Another thing we'll see is the empowerment of voting blocs (not totally insignificant even today). This should become 'interesting' when immigration issues will be on the menu.
  22. So why is he (and some posters here) whining about other people expressing their views (of himself)?
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