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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Of course you have, just like you claimed Israeli hostages were not mistreated and all is well with them. I don't need to comment on each and every nonsense or propaganda bit you post.
  2. You are posting lies again, there were links posted earlier on these topics detailing health situation of released Israeli hostages (one was rushed to ICU), and some details about mistreatment while in captivity. The released hostages, mostly children and elderly were shielded from the press and the public not to hide anything so much as to help them gradually adjust. This was covered as well.
  3. Guess a bit of a media circus up later on today (over there, time differences), as Ms. Tamimi is up for release. Also up for release are 7 Palestinian ladies who are Israeli citizens. Gonna be interesting.
  4. Not that I see how that matters, but anyway, you are not compelled to reply to each and every post.
  5. If it's an old building, maybe....like if something was added over the years. But still sounds dodgy. If you have access to the meters, shouldn't be too hard to figure which one runs when you turn on electricity (light, appliances, ac, whatever). One of you stands near the meter, the other turns stuff on/off - if anything is amiss, pretty easy to notice. Note that this might have to be done at different times of the day, to be sure.
  6. I'm always getting the multiple re-entry thing when going through the extension thing. Used it twice, I think - but both were indeed emergencies where dealing with this stuff last minute would have been unnecessarily stressful.
  7. How much attention do you think such a comment merits? Would 10 posts be enough? Are 20 required? Maybe some level of proportion is in order?
  8. How so? I said I don't believe you knew the guy even existed prior to this. I also said I'm not surprised you quoted him once you did. Birds of a feather and all that.
  9. How many rooms do you have? Not exactly getting why there's a need two meters to begin with, let alone a third. Not sure if you suspect the building staff is trying to pocket extra money or that some other apartment is leeching. Should be pretty easy to check if the meter in indeed connected to your room/apartment, and whether it runs when no electricity supposedly connected to is on.
  10. Yeah, as said - you tend to do this: start a daft argument about what someone posted, insist they meant something else, disregard they comments to the contrary, fall back on some semantics or other. I have no doubt you understood my meaning, if not the first time, then the second. As for Hamas men - maybe should have spelled it out for your benefit, but given the manner participating 'elite' troops broke under investigation, especially when confronted with 7/10 atrocities committed, religious contradictions, and disparity between leaders actions and words - I don't think it's quite the same.
  11. Yawn. You pick low hanging fruit on the Hamas/Palestinian supporting side. The more standard badgering is reserved for Israel supporters.
  12. BS would apply to your usual argumentative style, insisting posters meant something else than they did. I have no clear idea what your issue is this time, even. I'm not surprise you're not getting it - not your thing. But, IMO, when soldier believe what they fight for is good, just, right - that adds to their resolve and resilience. You can now commence your usual nonsense, but by no means feel compelled.
  13. Don't see you running around the forum having issues with Hamas/Palestinian supporters posting one-sided commentary.
  14. Of course you have. Then again, you would....
  15. I thought it was clear enough that the reference was to the Israelis point of view. Can't say I'm overly surprised at you don't get it, but if it helps, try thinking back to 9/11, and multiply it by some. Whether correct or not, the prevailing feeling in Israel (and among IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip) seems to be that this is pretty much a fight against evil.ting evil, and hence, righteous. Your arguments and examples are largely irrelevant to this sentiment, which was what I commented on. Your closing remark is a nothing-comment. I don't think I implied what you allege. And as for you 'we-don't-know-so-anything-is-possible' - now that's kinda low (if expected).
  16. How many times until they dropped the Benghazi thing....?
  17. The 1948 war, obviously - as you were well aware. Any more trolling on offer?
  18. How do you mean 'at least', other than trying to twist things some more - what I posted is pretty much what I initially claimed. As for Hamas - you keep claiming the same to be 'true' in reference to their positions - and yet made no actual attempt to demonstrate that in any meaningful way. Your initial quote was referring to an extreme faction of one side, and the whole of the other side - not what you posted above. As expected going for a daft semantic argument, which doesn't hold water. There are almost no reference to Antisemitism relating to Arabs or Palestinians. Generally, it is accepted as pertaining to Jews. You may wish to inform yourself about the origins of the term, that may clear up some things for you.
  19. If you take the speaker to be truthful and objective - which would be a very contrived position considering his history and positions. I'm pretty sure you had no idea who this was up until when you saw the interview, and that you did not bother checking to much about his background, history and ideas anyway. That would be in line with previous comments and links you posted earlier on these discussions.
  20. Maybe so, but I think there is some value (or added value) to what one fights for, or what sort of things one doesn't do while fighting. With regard to many of it's more recent wars and other military operation, Israel and the IDF (or at least, parts of) were often in doubt about the righteousness of actions, justifications and so on. Not this time - the 7/10 attack provided for that, and then some. On the other hand, I get the feeling (subjective, yes - reading social media, news, talking to people I know) that as far as the Palestinians/Gazans/Hamas - things are somewhat different than previous engagements. Many celebrated the 7/10 attack and atrocities, sure - but it's not like all Palestinians are blood thirsty demons or anything. Not even all of the Hamas men. And certainly Gazans are not all blind to the way Hamas (especially leadership abroad) goes on about things. Maybe will take some time (and certainly the death and destruction by Israel would have a mitigating effect) but some kind of cracks may be spreading.
  21. That's one way of looking at things. Then again, they are mostly sacrificing civilians. To be sure, a whole lot of Hamas men died so far, but it's not like they went out of their way to confront the IDF once the fighting started in earnest. Given that they are more of a guerrilla warfare kind of force, maybe to be expected. Overall, their last weeks' strategy seems to be more about conserving forces, delaying things as much as possible - rather than some fanatic religious charge at the infidels. The interviews released from interrogations of Hamas men caught on 7/10 and afterwards was rather amusing (not as far as content, which was gruesome) in as much as these were supposed to be the hyper motivated religiously and politically indoctrinated troops. Granted, everyone breaks under interrogation, given time - but this was still a fast crumbling as such things go. Not underestimating their fighting skills, as I wasn't there. But from all I've seen, they were 'doing alright' up until the point where they met actual, organized resistance. From they way Hamas touted these guys, one would have expected a whole lot more. Maybe it was the drugs, who knows.
  22. How do the Hamas men 'seem to be positively enthusiastic about dying'?
  23. As far as I recall there was a UN resolution involved? One side accepting, the other declaring war and losing? Or maybe you ignore the bits that aren't comfortable.
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