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Posts posted by Morch

  1. 55 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Original roots in the Middle East! According to Chris Hedges - and others - reckon it's well below 10%. Most Israelis have their roots in Europe, although a few come from the US.


    The English, Spanish and others went across the Atlantic to take over the Americas. Mascaraing the locals as they went. Old habits die hard.


    Chris Hedges? I thought we're talking about views that aren't biased.

    As for 10% it's nonsense, and accordingly you do not support it with anything.


    No part of history of the nations mentioned had anything to do with the countries and continents they went to.

    Israel is a different case.

    • Sad 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    We can make this short:

    Do you see anything wrong about the Israeli war in Gaza?

    If yes, please let us know.

    Because for me it seems you think Israel is doing a great job. Just a couple of dead animals, Who cares? 


    More of your inflammatory speech. 'Animals'? Who said that other than you? Did I? No.

    Are there any limits to how low you will go? Shameless.


    Let's make this short - do you see anything wrong with a terrorist organization carrying out an attack involving the deliberate murder of civilians? Rape of women? Hostage taking? Do you have any issues with this terrorist organization using the people under its rule as a shield? Referencing their death as necessary sacrifices? With that terrorist organization denying safety and food for these people, yet caring for its own? Or maybe you're alright with the same outfit prolonging things, at the expense of civilian deaths, so that they could score more political points?


    You do not speak for 'us'. You're a biased poster who tried a sham of balance, but keeps failing at it time and again. Froth coming out whenever your arguments are exposed as baseless nonsense.


    I do not revel in the death of Gazan civilians. I'm also not willfully ignorant of what war under such conditions entails.

    You seem to think that there's a way for wars to be fought without this. You're pretty much out on your own there.

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  3. 44 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Correct, there was "just" the Israeli occupation and suppression of Palestinians for a couple of decades. But that is obviously not really important for people like you. 


    What's important for you is, apparently, to chop my posts into small bits, so that you can address then out of context while ignoring the message. It's something you do. It's how you roll. Dishonest.


    Your claim was that if there are but a 100 Hamas supporters left, the war will continue. I pointed out this was not the case before the war, and it is not the case now. You cannot address that, so you deflect.


    There was no occupation of the Gaza Strip. Nothing like the death and destruction on offer now. You think there are many Gazans who would object going back to that? Or are you that invested in the Hamas's 'resistance' narrative that you lost your way?


    People like me? I post often enough that I see the Israeli occupation as wrong. That them illegal settlements in the West Bank are a blight and an obstacle to peace. Any other bogus personal nonsense you want to shame yourself with?

    • Confused 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And the reason for that is that one of the sides has all the weapons and the money and the support from the USA.

    The other side can't do much. And if they do something then it is often low tech like suicide bombers. And that is obviously condemned by the western world. I am sure they would instead use fighter jets if they would have them. 


    The reason is that you have issues with Israel.


    Possessing more arms is not a thing. It doesn't imply right or wrong. Same goes for money. Saudi Arabia got lots of money - is it righteous?


    The other side can't do much? Tell that to people who died on 7/10. Tell them to all the Israelis that died in terrorist attacks over the years. Suddenly all them thousands of rockets are 'not much', 'low tech'....basically a non-threat in your narrative.


    I'm sure some of you lot would like to see Hamas having fighter jets.



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  5. 46 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


    True; I'm not a supporter of Israel, its leaders, policies or its present massacre of mostly women and children Gazsaians.


    But as far as religion goes; I don't like or dis-like Jews any more than I do Christians. They all have their bad parts. Some have done good stuff.


    I'm not at all happy with the western countries that have allowed Israel to gradually grow into the monster it is. But, I reckon the end is in sight for the whole Zionist cults; whatever religion they hide behind. Bitten off more than they can chew.


    Yeah, not much interested in your conspiracy theory ramblings. What it is, is you objecting to Jews having a country (that's what Zionism is about, not your 'cult' garbage). Your issues are with Jews, spin it however you want.

  6. 58 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Seem to me that much of the current sentiment relates to netanyahu's personal attitudes and his lack of any respect for all others / for humanity.

    He's a monster.

    His spoken desires to totally obliterate Palestine is to me very worrying and shows his lack of any balance.

    Further, to me, he well fits the type that claim (with some truth) that Jewish folks have been very badly treated in Europe etc., but at the same time he wants to hit others with the same treatment.

    In the current conflict his attitude to killing children and totally and deliberately destroying health care and destroying access to food, medicines, aid., etc. is  very disturbing. 


    I see him more as an opportunist, invested above all else in himself and his political survival, hanging to power - than as someone who strongly believes in any ideology. Sure, he's right-wing and all that, but he's not actually into the hardcore stuff. Not that he cares or likes the Palestinians, but I don't think he actually hates them. That's something more associated with his coalition partners. Being politically weak and dependent on them, he goes along with or does not resist them. In a way, that's evil as well - but not quite the active 'monster' some portray. All things considered, he's probably more a danger to Israel than to the Palestinians.

  7. 8 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    My bona fides go back a long way. When I was 19 I sat for a state federal public service entrance exam (came 3rd) and there was an essay question which was "Discuss the philosophy of boundaries". I wrote then in favour of no national borders and one world democratic government. Nationalism is founded on racism. They may invoke religion but it's really racism which is the root problem. 




    More pointless 'stories'. Tell the one about the sea-cadets. That was fun.

  8. 1 minute ago, owl sees all said:


    Zionism was/is a cult. The people involved, since the late 1800s (when this all started), were/are not religious; at least not in the true sense. If a Jew is not religious that he is not a Jew. Not in my book. Could a Christian who don't believe be a Christian? Of course not! Same thing.


    Talking about thousands of years of Jewish history in simply 'humbug'. The area that is now being fought over - in fact the whole area that is oil-rich - was once lush forests. People then, were not Jews or Christians or anything else. They probably were more like the original Nth Americans. They believed in what they saw; day to day.


    Antisemitism is a nonsense IMO. What actually does it refer to? How can it be defined? The true Semites are the Palestinians. Only a handful of Israelis come from the area. Remember that after WW11, the gangs that terrorised the area clearing people off their land, were anti-English, and some were prepared to aline themselves to all sorts. Remember also, that these Zionist terrorists were later to be the leaders of Israel's military and government.


    You can't tell me that the driver of the Gaza debacle (BN) is religious. There won't be a welcome for him at the gates of heaven for sure. More like down below for that psychopath..


    IMO, the last American pres', to put his country before Israel, was JFK. Recall what happen to him? The current leaders are simply paid off or compromised. They cannot be seen to go against Israel, or the Israel lobby. That's how powerful this cult is. They have infiltrated everything that has influence. Hollywood, MSM, Tech etc.


    The ultimate goal of the Zionists is the complete take over of Palestine; without any non-Jews being there. And - US, Germany and UK permitting - will broaden their horizons.



    You don't decide who's a Jew. Jewish religion actually goes against your 'book' on this.


    The rest of your 'historical' narrative is full of false facts, inaccuracies and fantasies. Lush forests? A whole lot of it is arid.


    Antisemitism is nonsense? As in nothing to see here? Move along? That old bit about 'semites' was done to death on these topics. Nobody actually refers to anyone but Jews when using it. May want to read up on where the term came from.


    You seem to have no idea about Arab violence during the British Mandate time, or maybe you're just ignoring it.


    You conspiracy theories (which you cannot and will not support) about 'paid off' or 'compromised' are just the handy tool when you got nothing. Same for you 'infiltrated' rhetoric.


    Zionists signed peace agreements with neighboring Arab countries, and do nothing much about the 20% strong Arab minority within Israel.


    You are what you say is 'nonsense' - an antisemite.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Arindos said:


    I never said the Ram Mandir was a left wing thing. I support it.


    Here's what you posted:



    he majority of the regressive stuff like homophobia and religious politics tend to come from the left-wing, whereas the right-wing tends to be focused on restoring native Indian culture.


    Attempts to spin the Ram Mandir issue as not being 'religious' or as coming from the 'left-wing' would be interesting to watch.

  10. 50 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The Saudis may have something to say about it because they know the Houthis are not going away, no matter how many bombs the US drops. Yemen is rather larger than Gaza.

    One just hopes the US isn't insane enough to actually send troops into Yemen. One hopes that they actually learned something from the Afghanistan disaster.




    The Saudis seem like they are interested in going back to the normalization path with Israel. Less demands now.

    And other than in your posts - was there anything said about troops sent to Yemen?

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  11. 1 hour ago, Arindos said:


    The Ram Mandir was a grassroots movement that began around the time the BJP was being formed.


    I find that the left wing communities tend to be more homophobic than right wing communities, in part because most of the people who would be considered "progressive" in western countries are on the right wing in India. The left wing has more negative associations such as religion, corruption, caste, etc...


    I'm not sure if a particular state is less homophobic than other states. 


    Spin it as much as you like, the Ram Mandir is not a left-wing thing. Grassroots is a cute word. RSS, Shiv Sena....not lefties.


    Your comment on Homophobia doesn't really say much, nor supports your previous comment, just repeats it.

  12. 2 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Does nobody else find it ironic that the so-called International Court of "Justice" includes judges from China, Russia, Somalia, and Uganda? Countries that have no justice within their own borders have no business trying to deal justice to others. 


    It was pointed out and discussed.

    The Uganda Judge, by the way, was the only one (including the Israeli representative, even) that rejected all of South Africa's points.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       When you are in an echo chamber and only talk to people who agree with you, you then become more and more extreme as well as being detached from reality .

       I am quite sure that there's no one here on these forums who think that Palestinians should be eradicated and the preference would be for no civilian casualties at all 


    I agree with the former, but not the latter.

    There were such views aired here - but not really by most of the regular participants. What @retarius is trying to do is tar everyone not seeing things his way as extremist. Given his own extreme views, this covers a whole lot of ground....

  14. 7 minutes ago, retarius said:

    The inescapable fact is the Jews are murdering innocent Palestinians knowingly. This is immoral and should be abhorrent to everyone on the planet, but apparently there are some bigots on here, who like the Jews committing these murders, who think Palestinians are subhuman, and need to be exterminated.




    You insist on using 'Jews', then claim you're not antisemitic. Well now.


    As for 'murder' that would imply intent. You cannot demonstrate that. You do not bother to.


    Regarding 'sub human' that's the kind of rhetoric people holding opinions such as yours would use, I don't think it was much in evidence on the posts your rile against. Projecting much?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Sure, they are not being targeted. They just somehow die. That must be a coincidence somehow. 


    That's just you being disingenuous, again.


    People die in wars. All the time. All over the world.

    It's not the same as intentionally targeting civilians.


    There was nothing said about 'coincidence' other than by you.


    Again deflecting when you fail to support your comments.

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