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Posts posted by Morch

  1. 14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am sure if there are still 100 Palestinians somewhere he will insist some Hamas sympathizers will be there. And probably he will be right. But is that a reason to kill them all? 


    What you are 'sure' of is of no consequence, and is factually wrong.


    For example, there are Hamas cells, operatives all over the West Bank as well - don't see the same kind of war waged. And more obviously, there was no such war on 6/10, despite Hamas being firmly in place on the Gaza Strip.


    Your 'kill them all' over the top rhetoric is just more of the same.


    You make strong comments, you can't back them up, so you revert to this kind of inflammatory words.

    Nothing new about that. It's  how you roll.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Is there still anywhere in Gaza where they can go and not be afraid to be bombed?

    Or maybe they are supposed to return to the rubble which were their houses before Israel destroyed them. 


    Please, go back home. Yeah, sure... 




    That would be you either being ignorant or dishonest.


    There are areas, towns, cities in the Gaza Strip which did not face major attacks so far. Rafah, for one.


    It's not like there are perfect textbook solutions on how to deal with things. Sometimes there are no great answers.

  3. 14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    My point was supposed to be that I am obviously not against all Jews and/or against all Israelis.

    I don't plan to discuss politics with him. But if he would want to do that I would like to listen to his point of view. 


    Most of your posts on related topics exhibit a clear bias. You usually save the fiery rhetoric and over the top comments for one of the sides, not both.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, mzanzi said:

    The majority of anti comments refer to Zionism rather than  Semitism or Jews . There is a big difference , Zionism is a political movement which conveniently hides behind Judaism , Jews have been known around the world to fight injustices , South Africa is an example , many Jews in the anti Apartheid movement .


    Zionism is to Judaism what Hamas is to Palestinians , it is a cancer that needs to be removed.


    That would be you showcasing ignorant opinions, rather than having a clue.


    Zionism includes many schools of thought, not all of them are of the right-wing/religious/zealot kind. You'll find Zionists who are pro-peace, others which are somewhere in the middle and so on. It is nothing like Hamas, which holds a clearly defined extreme agenda.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    The cartoon depicts the historical facts of the reason for the conflict. Or perhaps you're also okay with occupation of a country as well as being okay with 27.000+ deaths.


    It does not depict historical facts, but the talking points of one-side's narrative. It's an over-simplified 'account' (if it can be called that) of actual events. It rests upon dodgy foundation from the first picture. And, of course, the choice of animation is intentional.


    I have stated quite often that I object to most of what Israel does in the West Bank, less so with regard to the Gaza Strip. The occupation, and more so, them illegal settlements are wrong.


    Citing 27,000 deaths is broadcasting a Hamas talking point - lumping civilians and Hamas men together without differentiation. Other than in Hamas propaganda, not all were civilians (many were, of course, not denying that).

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    No I haven't forgotten, my comment is exactly about what you are highlighting, criticism for what is going on in Gaza attaches to the state of Israel and supporters of Netanyahu's government, and not for example to someone living in London who happens to be Jewish.


    But Jews, in London, Europe and elsewhere are being targeted with hate and violence stemming from such protests and sentiments. Antisemitic incidents are on the rise. And even the reports on them protest usually include clear instances of such. Same can be seen on these topics, where labels are often used without care (or worse, intentionally).

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    This guy working outside a 7-11 in the Philippines didn't have a problem ...........

    PS. IMHO all religions are murderous (maybe not Buddhists).

    IMG_20160817_195204 (1).jpg


    Read the post I was replying to. If the guy in the pic was stressing that he doing so in a residential/work environment with a large Jewish presence, you might have a point. Somehow don't think it's the case.


    As for Buddhists - Muslims in Myanmar say hi. Do them events make all Buddhists, or the Buddhist religion (yeah, yeah...'it's not a religion', whatever) 'murderous''?

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    You conveniently left out 1967 ... 'Six Day War'


    Where Israel was the aggressor, and even tried to sink the USS Liberty when they got caught being so, as against the US policy to supply 'defensive' military aid.


    And why I will never accept israil as a trusted ally.  Killing those that supported you, just doesn't sit right with me, and why I hate ALL FOREIGN AID.


    I did not 'leave out' anything. The poster made a blanket statement about Israel always  being the aggressor. I demonstrated this is not the case.


    • Haha 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    How many of the 27,000+ were Hamas? How many were 'untargeted' civilians. How many were killed in the south after Israel demanded they move south to 'safety'. The very fact also that Israel was able to cut off just about everything to citizens of Gaza was exactly what the Hamas attack was about. Israel are occupiers of land that belonged to the Palestinians, and this cartoon illustrates perfectly what the conflict is about.


    Still, interesting to see you supporting and trying to justify mass murder.

    Screenshot 2023-11-29 171550.png



    Oh, look....another I'm-not-an-antisemite poster uses a propaganda meme depicting Israel as a dog. Cute.

    Some people are into historical facts, other prefer cartoons....



  10. 19 minutes ago, retarius said:

    I might be wrong here, but I had imagined that the Orthodox Jews were the zionists. When I lived in the US I had many, many Jewish friends and acquaintances, almost all were Reform whom, I understood for them, were much more liberal in outlook than Orthodox. Is this not true? 




    You mean you hate a people, and a religion, and don't know much about them? How surprising.


    Most Orthodox Jews are not Zionist. Some are actually anti-Zionist.

    Reform Jews are sometimes Zionists, and sometimes not.


    Learn what the terms you use mean, maybe?

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, retarius said:

    I'm not sure what to make of your post. Jews are a subset of organised religion ie they are one or more of the organised religions. Are you sure we are not allowed to criticise the Jewish religion? And criticising individual Jews is ok....say can we criticise vile, inhuman beings/Jews like Netanyahu? How about criticising land stealing Zionists? as a subset of Jews.




    It can get quite confusing for people with closed minds. Here are two more complications:


    Netanyahu is not religious, and certainly not observant.

    There are non-Jews who define themselves as Zionists.

    • Like 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, retarius said:

    When in the US I lived and worked among Jews (Reform not Orthodox). I can honestly say there were no problems and it was totally OK. Our town was about 30% or more Jewish, filled with emigres from Brooklyn. The reception we got was very welcoming from out Jewish neighbours on both sides. At work the CEO and the power structure was also mainly Jewish. I never felt any problem with this not was my progress inhibited. I will note that there were almost no blacks at work despite 'quota' rules for major corporations. I had a very favourable impression of the Jewish community and by extension, Israel, at that time. The impression of Israel, but not my community, changed when I went to Israel in 1989. It was not a place I ever wanted to go back to, largely because of learning about the Palestinian issue.





    Did you wear your you aforementioned Hitler T-shirt to work?


    Another great story....from an poster who not long ago opined that Judaism is a 'murderous religion'.


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