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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You are again misrepresenting my views. You are again demonstrating a very limited intake of current news.
  2. Maybe have look at your own previous posts, or even at this one, and try to figure out the context of my comment. You are misrepresenting my views, you are also obviously not aware of all that Israel is doing.
  3. A lot of the money Qatar transferred to the Gaza Strip in recent years (with Netanyahu's blessings), was for paying these salaries.
  4. Because the topic is about Israel, Hamas,, and the Gaza Strip. It's not about other countries, ancient history and so on. And again, not sure why you've directed this at me to begin with.
  5. Israel did not 'hand back' the Gaza Strip. The disengagement was a unilateral move. There was very little coordination on offer. As per timeline: Israel pulled out in September 2005, while the Palestinians elections campaign was just heating up - ending with Hamas's victory four months later (January 2006). Arafat, by the way, died in November 2004, so did not run anything by then. The Hamas takeover of Gaza occurred on June 2007.
  6. What you refer to is Hamas's military wing. But Hamas is also a political party, and the government/bureaucracy managing daily life in the Gaza Strip, plus a network of social oriented projects (schools, mosques, welfare and so on). So in this sense, many more Gazans are 'Hamas' - and while initial Israeli comments were general references, this quickly changed to specify the military wing + notables on the political wing.
  7. Doesn't have anything to do with post. No idea what you're on about, or how is this relevant to the topic.
  8. Israeli leaders seem to have a different point of view. Maybe take it up with them and explain what's what. There are negotiations right now, or attempts at such, conducted via Qatar. As you can notice, this does not entail Israel stopping its offensive. There are several ideas floated about, one of them (mentioned earlier) is hostage release in return for free passage for Hamas leadership and men. Again, not my idea or any other poster's. Given the hostage situation, things are complicated. While I think most of us would prefer a heroic happy ending, sometimes it doesn't happen this way.
  9. Source for the French general bit, please.
  10. Apparently Israel's leaders. There's a quite a lot of traffic between Tel Aviv and Doha these days. And just to remind - all previous rounds of fighting ended with indirect negotiations, understandings and so on. I'm not saying that Hamas can be trusted, or that this is a good option. Certainly not palatable. We don't always get what we want.
  11. @TroubleandGrumpy I think you have some reading comprehensions and anger issues, on top of being uninformed: Qatar brokers deal between Egypt, Hamas and Israel for limited Gaza evacuations - source https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/qatar-brokers-deal-between-egypt-hamas-and-israel-for-limited-gaza-evacuations-source/ar-AA1jc1th How the tiny Arab state of Qatar became indispensable in talks with Hamas http://How the tiny Arab state of Qatar became indispensable in talks with Hamas Scoop: Mossad chief visits Qatar for talks on hostages held by Hamas in Gaza https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/scoop-mossad-chief-visits-qatar-for-talks-on-hostages-held-by-hamas-in-gaza/ar-AA1j6pNK Past, present Mossad leadership makes secret trip to Qatar https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/past-present-mossad-leadership-makes-secret-trip-to-qatar/ar-AA1j8utX
  12. I've no idea what you're on with this 'one side' bit, sorry. Whether Israel labeled it a 'war', a 'military operation' or whatever is not germane to what's going on. You can go on repeating gung ho slogans, that's fine. If you wish to ignore that totally eradicating Hamas will not happen, or that there are negotiations afoot, or that there are other options discussed - that's fine as well.
  13. May I suggest you read my posts instead of arguing with things I haven't said? Nowhere did I say that Israel should 'just ignore' anything, quite the opposite. My comment was with regard to the level of threat - it is not an existential one, Hamas is not going to 'destroy' Israel. Israel never 'ceded Hamas territory' as far as I'm aware, so not sure how 'again' relates. There is no danger of Israel being 'abolished' by Hamas. Hamas may want many things, doesn't mean they are going to happen, or that it can make them happen.
  14. You can 'consider' any nonsense you like, won't make it a fact, or even related to what I commented on. You're just deflecting, as usual.
  15. Not interested in dodgy links. Not how this place works. Also, interpretations are one thing, and you're welcome to present them as such. Claiming them as fact, or decided matters is something else.
  16. Doesn't have to do anything with what you posted.
  17. The third item is not a 'yes' other than in your mind, and Palestinian claims. That you decree it to be true doesn't mean much. There is no date set in the link provided, there is nothing about 'prosecute'. Even the link provided acknowledges it's a long process.
  18. U.S. flying drones over Gaza in search of hostages https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-flying-drones-over-gaza-search-hostages-2023-11-03/ Probably also gives the USA better insight as to what Israel is doing.
  19. Try reading my post again, and the link provided.
  20. Doesn't support what you claimed.
  21. Yawn. Enough countries do. Whether the recognition means a whole lot is a different matter. Not all countries recognize Israel as well. Doesn't mean all that much either.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine
  23. Link, please. Also clarify the 'prosecute' bit. Lost in translation?
  24. A better option (for Hamas) would be to ignore the pleas, let Israel accept a unilateral 'humanitarian pause'. When this 'pause' is on, Hamas can then try to provoke an Israeli attack, later spinning it as Israel-broke-the-ceasefire.
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