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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I doubt the UN had conducted thorough investigations, so what you refer to would be the various statements tossed about. Alleged or suspected 'war crimes' are not the same as proven ones. Treating the UN as unbiased, or as an undisputed source of wisdom is a choice. We're talking about the same UN that occasionally allows for some countries (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria for example) to participate in and even head various UN bodies, committees, organizations, whatever dealing with human rights and disarmament. People not agreeing with government policy is routine. In some countries they are allowed to protest, vote and so on. That's how these things work. Not every issue is decided by a general referendum. Don't know who you think said all Gazans are terrorists. You're welcome to suggest realistic ways to combat terrorist organizations firmly embedded within a civilian population, without said civilians getting hurt.
  2. Allegation is not evidence. Consult the dictionary, or your imaginary rabbi friend.
  3. You go with what you have, which are numbers on polls, and quick look to see if you can 'back them up' with a headline and a link. You can go on with your usual debate tactics trying to frame other posters' arguments to fit you own. Not impressed, nor interested.
  4. The USA cannot 'order' Hamas to comply with ceasefire. You know that. What neighbors are helping in which way? And are they helping Hamas? The Palestinians? Not expecting even a half-coherent, fact based reply, obviously.
  5. Not necessarily, but could mean that if Hamas was not into it. Then again, they'd have a hard time explaining why not - and also not in their interest to refuse.
  6. Much shorter, and aimed at achieving specific tasks, fulfilling specified goals. Usually no official paper. A ceasefire would be longer, more general in nature and papers will be signed.
  7. Whatever you say. IMO, you do not actually know much about this, but rely on figures and interpretations you favor. I did not address things 'from just a political party angle', of course, but then again - that's the way you roll. It would be more interesting if you had some insight on offer rather than putting complete and utter faith in polls.
  8. IDF commander: Fuel will be allowed to reach Gaza hospitals https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-commander-fuel-will-be-allowed-to-reach-gaza-hospitals/ I wonder how they can effectively monitor and prevent this from falling to Hamas's hands. And suppose they find out Hamas took fuel from this supply, what can they do? Not supply them again? Sounds messy. Guess not much choice.
  9. I guess it's beneath you to reveal which 'show' this was on. Or even who suggested that.
  10. Take a harder look at the figures. Support for such groups yes, support for Hamas much less. Hamas comes with oppression, extortion, and a whole lot of other things people don't care for. Them groups referred to are more 'to the point' resistance, rather than a full apparatus and accompanying ideology. Also, these groups are in the West Bank - Gazans would support some of the heat going that way, maybe.
  11. I'm sure you thought what you posted was perfectly clear. You were wrong.
  12. Nah, you missed the troll fest.
  13. Considering you rarely provide links to support you own claims, that's rather rude. Then again, that's how you roll.
  14. You could try and find the information, on the net, on this topic....
  15. Right now the ratio of bombs dropped on the Gaza Strip vs. reported casualties is close to 1:1. If you think that indicates a campaign aimed at killing civilians, you're way off mark.
  16. The Israeli government cares more about it's own civilians. That's pretty much how most countries and governments work. Why should the Israeli government care more about Gazan civilian than their own government?
  17. How? Some seem to support Hamas, some does not. Don't think anyone seriously claimed all Gazans or all Palestinians support Hamas.
  18. Angry and tired, Gazan mothers stuck in Israel after medical care want to get home https://www.timesofisrael.com/angry-and-tired-gazan-mothers-stuck-in-israel-after-medical-care-want-to-get-home/ Interesting read. Shows how a lot about this is complicated, entangled.
  19. Estimate of Hamas forces involved in the initial attack run between 2000-3000. There were, for various reasons, less IDF combatants to handle this at first. They were followed by a mob of armed gazans. Bring to it's knees? Lets not get carried away, most of the attackers were killed by the second day. Which neighbors do you imagine will 'come together'? What would be their respective interests to do so? Hamas does not fight for freedom. It's declared goal is to destroy Israel, not simply to free the Gaza Strip.
  20. I think we had that problem during the house build. I I remember correctly there's a connector part for the straight-tapered thing. Just wasn't that common to find at shops, at least the size we needed. The terminology used at shops was more like male-female, female-female etc. Never found out which was which, or if it was the same in all places. I'd take the parts you need to assemble and ask someone - even at Global House or one of the others. For us there's a nearby big hardware shop, guy knows everything.
  21. I'm not sure how your post clarifies what 'peace' (as appeared in the previous one) implies. You are describing typical military actions by sides, how does this relate or explain what 'peace' Israel wants, in you opinon? Something like a constant ceasefire? There was no agreement with the PLO regarding Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. It was a unilateral move. There are not many in Israel that support or wish reoccupation of the Gaza Strip. It's not a very popular notion among the public as well. At most, people and officials recognize that there might be a lengthy period of time with Israeli presence in the Gaza Strip - but not like the time frame suggested above.
  22. There's this gap between what Hamas might want, and what it can actually do. I'm saying that when all is said and done, it does not have the capability to destroy Israel. It is not a threat to Israel's existence. It's a threat. As for 'wants peace' - everyone defines peace differently. That's one of the problems when talking about this conflict. When Palestinians and Israelis talk about 'peace' they aren't necessarily on the same page. Take it a step further - there are different points of view within each side, different political parties and so on. Each one got it's own version of 'peace'. So saying 'Israel wants peace' isn't clear enough, nor necessarily correct.
  23. Give AJ Arabic version a shot, it will make the English edition seem much more reasonable.
  24. The details of how and why Hamas managed to surprise Israel are not 'hidden' - that's you insinuating some conspiracy or ignoring many published facts regarding this. There are no 300,000 'new' recruits, Israel got a reserve duty system. Some have already died. More will, that's not news. Scaremongering about regional war, when so far no real signs of is what some posters are about. Maybe consider that, at least for now, efforts to limit things are successful. Your last line is, unsurprisingly, clear as mud.
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