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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You see what you want to see. You want to claim Hamas does not 'represent' the Palestinian side, that's your choice. In general, though, there is no such resolute wide brush rejection of Hamas by non-Hamas speakers. All the more so when addressing Arab language media. You require people will adopt your point of view. People do not subscribe to that. There's no requirement or imperative to do so.
  2. Because Lebanon. Because Iraq. Because a one-state solution is not a thing. Could you possibly get back to the topic?
  3. Posters on these topics routinely repeat Hamas talking points, cite information supplied by Hamas, and identify with some major tenets of Hamas ideology.
  4. This would require adopting your view that there is no difference between the sides. Not everyone subscribes to your views.
  5. If you see the body in question and organization tied with it as biased, it may come to this. Not too hard to understand.
  6. Is this topic about 'all eras'? Or were you trying for a lame deflection?
  7. That's your opinion. The UN felt differently. Most countries in the world have no issues with Israel's existence or claim.
  8. You're welcome to explain, in detail, how other nations comply with such laws on other conflicts. Your wide brush implication that other countries adhere to rules is not enough
  9. You embrace the notion that Zionism equates with colonialism. You treat this as fact. The reality is that it's an interpretation, and Israel does not see it that way, nor is this globally accepted. So all this 'apologize' bit is not going to go down to well. An obvious question would be why Palestinians do not need to apologize for all their sins. The narratives of the two people are too far apart for this to be easy (or even possible) to agree on. Also, the 'apologize' bit is not exactly a Middle East thing. I don't think that if it happened it would be interpreted the way you (pretend to?) imagine.
  10. Israel will take care of it by itself. Many perpetrators dead. Some commanders killed in Gaza already. The rest to follow. There were at least two links to articles detailing how Israel set aside both operational and intel teams dedicated to this mission. You can look up ICC cases and see how 'effective' and 'timely' their investigations and proceedings are. Israel does not cooperate with the ICC and denies investigators entry to Israel. Investigators may enter the Gaza Strip via Egypt. You treat the ICC and the UN as if they are unbiased, objective bodies - that's not really how Israel sees it, and I tend to agree with that.
  11. You seriously expect the two people to forgive and forget this shortly after all them deaths? I'm talking about both sides, to be clear. Don't think it works that way anywhere - and sure it does not hold in the Middle East. As for your whining about mentioning atrocities, I doubt you failed to notice one poster who's going on and on and on and on about Palestinian babies, Palestinian casualty figures and all them sins real and imagined against the Palestinians. Doesn't seem to bother you that much as mentioning Hamas atrocities. You're doing it wrong.
  12. You're looking at it from the wrong angle. The two large blocs are rallied around either Fatah or Hamas. The Islamic Jihad sort of supports the Hamas, but it's not quite as tight an alliance, really. More indicative of a trend. The main thing to notice is the number of undecided (the 'other' label can be included, considering potential changes and shifts within, splinter factions etc.) - so what this poll shows is a three-way split. A whole lot of people not too happy with either main option, but no viable alternatives on offer. Hamas's advantage over the Fatah is (provided it politically survives this war) constancy. The leadership is there, not too old, replacements in the wings. The Fatah, on the other hand is in shambles, with basically everyone waiting for Abbas to croak, and the succession struggle decided. As far as I can tell, none of the would-be-leaders is very popular. And rivalries run pretty deep, so a splintering or some crippling internal dispute are certainly options. In such a scenario, Hamas (with the caveat mentioned) stands a good chance of gaining the upper hand. All this, of course, relates to popular vote. In effect, Hamas's chances of winning could be greater factoring local representative elections. One of the things that could upset this, or make things more complicated is the appearance of a third party/candidate. There's a lot of talk about Marwan Barghouti as such. But in effect, even if he can stand for election and wins, it's hard to see how the Palestinians will effectively manage their affairs with him behind bars. Another name sometimes touted is Dahlan, more in relation to the Gaza Strip. Not exactly popular, but good connections with Hamas, and some local clans.
  13. Mrs. Morch, who's got an eye for such things (no pun intended) says it's a reoccurring feature in my avatars.
  14. Russia blames antisemitic airport riot on Ukraine, West; US: It resembled ‘pogroms’ https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-blames-antisemitic-mob-rampage-at-dagestan-airport-on-ukraine-and-the-west/ Too funny #1, and too obvious. Doubt Ukraine got much pull down there, or much traction with Islamists. Ex-Fatah strongman Dahlan calls for postwar democracy in Gaza, including Hamas https://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-fatah-strongman-dahlan-calls-for-postwar-democracy-in-gaza-including-hamas/ Too funny #2, every time there's a major crisis in Gaza this guy pops up. Maybe this his chance, finally.
  15. In first, Arrow system used to down missile from ‘Red Sea’; Houthis claim UAV attack https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-arrow-system-used-to-down-missile-from-red-sea-houthis-claim-uav-attack/ Iran is not as heavily invested in the Houthis as it is in Hezbollah, and harder for Israel to retaliate, so makes sense. On a positive note, at least that Arrow system proved itself.
  16. Communications are back up since yesterday. It was a short term thing aimed at letting troops in. I've managed to contact people there, so bet others can to. I don't know about victims - seems like it's constant card you play.
  17. He'd break their arms and legs, to start with. Look for the quote. Then he'd do exactly what the current government is doing, but way more efficiently. After he was done with the Hamas, he'd think about what's next. Never a long term planner, according to his wife.
  18. I'd recommend a field trip, but wouldn't want that on my conscience.
  19. It's because he keeps getting the recorded message: "Hamas Central is not available right now. Please leave your contact details, and terrorist representative will contact you as soon as possible.".
  20. That doesn't have much to do with your previous post.
  21. The ICC and the UN should be less biased against Israel. Maybe then it will be considered. Should.... Could you deal with reality rather than dream up stuff?
  22. The Gaza Strip borders Israel and Egypt. Hezbollah are in Lebanon. How does this run thing work, then? Also, again - IDF actually takes this way more seriously than you. Expecting strong resistance in an area favoring the defending team, and casualties involved. All this gung ho stuff is ridiculous.
  23. Oh dear, another one. So to cap: Israel apologizes, the Palestinians graciously accept, and all is well. Yeah.....that'd work.
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