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Everything posted by Morch

  1. So basically, you're doing the same thing again. You' are not the arbiter of how to gauge support. You have, apparently, little understanding of why local bases of support carry a strong meaning in Palestinian politics vs. overall support. You seem to be importing USA/Western notions into this, I don't think the translation works that well. If the PA was half as sure as you are about them figures accurately representing support, they'd be far more willing to hold elections by now. They do not. Significant is significant - you want to argue that 20%, 30% or whatever is not significant, that's up to you - nitpick away. I will comment again that the Hamas crowd and support, being more into extreme and religious views are (as I'm aware of things, at least) easier to mobilize. Coupled with reputation for violence, that's a factor. Tell me again how you're not nitpicking. Or better yet, don't.
  2. Well, I'm not optimistic, but maybe, just maybe - some years of reprieve may do a little good. I think it more depends on how domestic politics in Israel and Palestine pan out, and what support they will get. Not holding my breath, though.
  3. Proclaiming something is happening or just about to happen, and then when confronted pulling the 'time will tell' card without backing it up with anything is a cop out, yes. Not the same as your example - and I think there were actually views put up real quick that it didn't make sense (and they were right).
  4. Doubt it, it's not like 9/11 was followed by a worse one, exactly. But you may hope, of course....
  5. A whole lot more destruction and dead Gazans either way. Hamas either taking a severe hit, or (in case USA halts Israel prematurely) merely a hard one. Some hostages released, some die. Conflict largely remaining at current scope. Post war mess with no one wanting to take full charge of the Gaza Strip, and some mishmash solution reached. Rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip commences. USA and others may push for some peace initiative, possibly with Saudi normalization of ties as icing. Israel maybe going through elections - and things developing according to results. I could, of course, be wrong on any of these - but I think more or less that's about it.
  6. You keep making comments about what's coming, treating them as facts. When confronted, your cop out is 'time will tell'. When others do it you complain.
  7. No. I know how it will pan out.
  8. That would be you deflecting again. No surprises.
  9. You are not balanced - not in your views or otherwise. You claim a balance where there is no such, and allege it to be fact. It doesn't' make it so.
  10. Nobody but you said that's the plan. And with Hamas not being much of a threat nor holding power over Gaza, things may change. There was a link to a long, detailed review of what Israel's plans for war and beyond may be - was posted several times by me on this topic and others.
  11. That was very deep, Jeff. Did you come up with it on you own? Saying that they are corrupt though (and I agree), goes toward supporting the point made.
  12. Well, that's what someone lacking relevant knowledge might say for lack of anything meaningful to retort with. Information was provided, you can try and learn instead of dreaming up conspiracies. Time will tell is just your cop out of not addressing stuff you allege. The way this usually goes is that a couple of days later information becomes available, and when confronted with previous comments (by then hundreds of posts back) you deny, pretend to haven't posted stuff and sending poster to find your posts for you.
  13. I do not nitpick. There is a difference between individuals committing crimes, and states (or in this case, Hamas) doing so. You wouldn't know a moral compass if you had one.
  14. You're a victim. Poor thing. You're treated as a dishonest troll because that's what you are. Or do you deny the way you tried to introduce yourself to the topic?
  15. Gotcha as in understand your drift. Your posts routinely minimize Hamas's role, and highlight Israel's.
  16. A few pages up topic you were all about 'no need to hypothesize'....guess it's ok when it suits. Go dig yourself a nuclear shelter or something.
  17. I'm sure they'll come to regret it.
  18. That's the point. Every time one of these terrorist organizations became too much of a threat, it was taken down, dismantled, curtailed or whatever. It's not a full proof or permanent solution, but it usually grants a period of reprieve. Hamas was underestimated, played it's hand and now facing the same response.
  19. No, I'm not your secretary, nor obliged to participate in your shenanigans.
  20. Pre-emptive is something you insinuate. I have explained earlier, the ministry is a nothing-entity, a political post for rewarding loyalists. It doesn't come with actual authority, does not partake in anything important. Netanyahu would comment on it because if won't people would assume there's something to it. You should really get familiar with Israeli politics before banking on this one as 'it'.
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